Friday, April 28, 2017

Be a storyteller -- share your disaster - #lakewoodnews

Do you ever read Pickles comic strip in the Denver Post? The characters are a retired couple, Earl and Opal. In today's comic strip, Earl sits a bench talking with his friend. Earl says, "Today's the kind of day when I feel like just hopping

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247949

Fake news story caught me off guard - #lakewoodnews

This is scary. I am a college educated journalist who has always questioned claims in advertising that don't sound true. But what looked like a real story popped up on my Facebook site. There was a photo of Meryl Streep and Robert Redford

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247950

What's the good word? - #lakewoodnews

About 460 people attended the 27th annual Good News Breakfast on April 25 to hear about some of the good things happening in Jefferson County. "In Jefferson County, we know how to work together," said keynote speaker Lynn Johnson, the

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247933

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Spending the summer with live music - #lakewoodnews

If there's a better part of summer than music under the stars, I don't know what it is. Colorado has no shortage of picturesque locations for summer concerts, and while everyone is well aware of places like Red Rocks, many more intimidate venues exist that provide a lovely setting for some classic acts.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247908

Our thought process behind this week's special report - #lakewoodnews

On Nov. 30, Jennifer Laber was found dead with her two sons, ages 3 and 5, in the family minivan outside a closed Sports Authority. Just two months later, on Jan. 30, Cristi Benavides and her ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247906

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Fast Facts - #lakewoodnews

Home-school programs must have no less than 172 days of instruction, averaging four hours a day. Students in a home-school program must have academic progress evaluated in grades 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.  Home schooling is considered nonpublic and

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247895

Standout performers west metro - #lakewoodnews

Michael Thorne, baseball, sophomore, Faith Christian: He didn't have an at bat during the 19-3 win over SkyView Academy on April 20 but he walked four times, scored four runs and stole three

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247893

A call to Colorado's governor to help defend our state - #lakewoodnews

These are perilous times. A day does not go by when I don't worry about what sort of senseless executive action will come out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I am horrified at the values President

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247872

Earth Day is every day - #lakewoodnews

Because we do not think of the next generation, they will never forget us. - Henrik Tikkanen What did you do on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22? I drove - alone - on several errands. After my car

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247871

'Just do it' is more than a shoe motto - #lakewoodnews

I think I've mentioned before that I am a runner. Sort of. Not really a happy one, or one by nature. I run because I know that it is good for me (if I do it right), and because there are very few

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247870

Letter: Where McMinimee fell short - #lakewoodnews

In a recent letter to the editor it was suggested that a school superintendent who was hired to ensure quality education for 86,000 students with a $950 million budget (of which

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247869

Letter: A yuge cost - #lakewoodnews

The Denver Post recently reported that an undocumented Aurora mother of four was taken into custody when she checked in for her appointment with ICE. According to her attorney she has complied with

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247868

Faceoffs are where it all begins - #lakewoodnews

It might not look like a game of rock-paper-scissors when two players trot to the center of the field for a faceoff in boys lacrosse, but that's a complicated form of what it is. The player who has the better plan to counter the other

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247859

'Grief is unique -- there is no one-box-fits-all' - #lakewoodnews

Linda Coughlin Brooks lost her 17-year-old daughter nearly 20 years ago, when she died unexpectedly from epilepsy in her sleep. Brooks, a therapist who knows the grieving process all too well, has since dedicated her life to helping

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247860

Pushing through the pain can pay off - #lakewoodnews

While talking with Jack Huber, I could only think about how it takes a few steps to get everything working after sitting for a while and how things I used to be able to easily do are now

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247858

Fast Facts - #lakewoodnews

Home-school programs must have no less than 172 days of instruction, averaging four hours a day. Students in a home-school program must have academic progress evaluated in grades 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.  Home schooling is considered nonpublic and

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247846

'Grief is unique -- there is no one-box-fits-all' - #lakewoodnews

Linda Coughlin Brooks lost her 17-year-old daughter nearly 20 years ago, when she died unexpectedly from epilepsy in her sleep. Brooks, a therapist who knows the grieving process all too well, has since dedicated her life to helping

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247843

'I lost all of them' - #lakewoodnews

At times, Ryan Laber feels as if he is drifting in the ocean. Grief washes over him in waves, recedes, then comes in again. Other times, he stands in a valley, staring at sheer cliffs encircling him, wondering how he will ever climb

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247844

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Fast Facts - #lakewoodnews

Home-school programs must have no less than 172 days of instruction, averaging four hours a day. Students in a home-school program must have academic progress evaluated in grades 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.  Home schooling is considered nonpublic and

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247540

Wheat Ridge is getting Lucky's - #lakewoodnews

Lucky's Market, a Boulder-based natural foods grocer, will anchor a redevelopment project on the southwest corner of Wadsworth Blvd. and 38th Avenue next year. The project, named "The Corners at Wheat Ridge" is slated to open spring

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247547

Lopez-Calidonio pleads guilty in death of child - #lakewoodnews

Ever Lopez-Calidonio, 27, pleaded guilty in Jefferson County court on April 14 in the death of the four-year-old son of his girlfriend, according to the DA's office. He faces a prison sentence of 36 to 48 years in the Department of Corrections

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247549

Taking the W Line to West Line Village - #lakewoodnews

For more than 40 years, Maddie Nichols has lived in one of the oldest parts of Lakewood -- the Two Creeks neighborhood. With Colfax and Sixth avenues as north and south boundaries, and Sheridan and Wadsworth boulevards on the east and west, the

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247548

Edge Theater having fun amid the 'Misery' - #lakewoodnews

As a creative person, it is encouraging to know whether people support the work. But for romance novelist Paul Sheldon, his number one fan Annie Wilkes might be a step or two over the line. That's the setup of Stephen King's classic horror

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247543

Jeffco BOE prepares to give final budget direction - #lakewoodnews

A new timeline has been set for the Jefferson County Public Schools 2017-18 budget, with final direction being presented to staff May 4 and budget adoption on June 1. The original timeline, which had budget adoption on May 4, was revised with the

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247541

Achieving that 'High Grade' at School of Mines - #lakewoodnews

Students at the Colorado School of Mines are more than just aspiring engineers, scientists and mathematicians -- they are also skilled artists and creative writers. They seem to be total opposites, but engineering and art collide together

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247542

'I lost all of them' - #lakewoodnews

At times, Ryan Laber feels as if he is drifting in the ocean. Grief washes over him in waves, recedes, then comes in again. Other times, he stands in a valley, staring at sheer cliffs encircling him, wondering how he will ever climb

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247545

Summit looks at Metro North progress - #lakewoodnews

A May summit of municipal leaders along the Boulder-Denver Turnpike will show off how far their communities have come. The Sustainable Transportation Summit will be Wednesday, May 3, from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Denver Marriott Westminster, ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247514

Sadness, excitement color Pleasant View's last days - #lakewoodnews

On the day after the Jeffco school board decided to close Pleasant View Elementary School in Golden, Shelton Elementary Principal Karen Brown made her way to all the classrooms at her school to talk to her students. First, she asked: Does anybody ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247515

Pugh pursues pro soccer career - #lakewoodnews

Mallory Pugh made one decision but still faces another choice. Pugh, the 18-year-old Mountain Vista graduate and member of the U.S. women's Olympic soccer team, announced she is leaving UCLA to pursue professional soccer opportunities. The ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247476

Monday, April 24, 2017

Law enforcement agencies searching for escapee - #lakewoodnews

Law enforcement agencies are looking for a Department of Corrections escapee named Zachary Vela. Douglas County investigators and the Lakewood Police Department attempted to make contact with the ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247479

Jeffco narrows superintendent search - #lakewoodnews

A nationwide search involving hundreds has narrowed to just six contenders to be Jefferson County Schools newest superintendent. At the April 20 study session of the Board of Education, the public was told that out of more than 800 potential ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247462

School safety training facility opens in Jeffco - #lakewoodnews

On the day before the 18-year anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting, Jefferson County Public Schools dedicated a training facility where law enforcement agencies and other first responders can prepare for active shooter situations, learn ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247463

Preparing for a grand, grand opening - #lakewoodnews

When a business celebrates its opening, most people see all the excitement and pizzazz of the grand opening celebration. But arrive a bit early, and you'll see the flurry of activity by employees getting ready for the big day. That was the

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247452

West Colfax makes a big impact on Lakewood - #lakewoodnews

The only way anything gets done in a city is through partnerships. Partnerships with businesses, community organizations and its residents. It's through working together that Lakewood with groups like the West Colfax Community Association, 40

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,247451

Friday, April 21, 2017

State Senator Andy Kerr hosts "Celebrating Colorado Outdoor Recreation" panel - #lakewoodnews

On Tuesday, April 11, Colorado State District 22 Senator Andy Kerr hosted a panel at Wheat Ridge Cyclery on 38th Avenue in Wheat Ridge to discuss "Celebrating Colorado Outdoor ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246390

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kite Flight Fest and Child Safety Fair take to the sky - #lakewoodnews

"Go fly a kite" might usually sound like an insult, but for anyone interested in the Wheat Ridge Kite Flight Festival on April 29, it's an invitation to fun. This year's festival will be held 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Anderson Park, 44th and

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246282

Students show creative range at Arvada Center - #lakewoodnews

When artist Naomi Scheck was a student at Arvada High School, from 1998 to 2002, one of the teachers who made the biggest impact on her was art teacher Linda Scholes. For her part, Scholes remembers Scheck as a star whose work continually

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246283

H2Ole lot of fun - #lakewoodnews

Free admission is available from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on April 27 at the Denver Botanic Gardens, 1007 York St., for the Colorado Water Garden Society's annual "Get Wet -- Water Gardening Fun" program. (Use after-hours entrance north of the

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246285

Give up a major time-waster for an opportunity to get ahead - #lakewoodnews

Quick show of hands: how many of you out there gave up something for Lent? Okay, now, Catholics put your hands down. See, that's what I thought. I grew up Catholic, and so observing Lent was

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246270

Letter: Jeffco's unused funding option - #lakewoodnews

The Jeffco School District chose to close all small neighborhood schools, regardless of the true costs to families and community. The March 30 opinion piece by Tom Coyne puts the whole "crisis" in

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246269

Letter: Cruel deportations - #lakewoodnews

A terrible injustice has come to my attention and I feel the urge to share my feelings. The Federal government is considering deporting immigrants who are living in this country, some without proper

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246268

Standout performers West Metro - #lakewoodnews

Drake Davis, baseball, senior, Ralston Valley: Davis allowed two hits and struck out 15 batters in six innings during a 12-1 win over Lakewood on April 15. Davis is the Jefferson County 5A league

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246267

H2Ole lot of fun - #lakewoodnews

Free admission is available from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on April 27 at the Denver Botanic Gardens, 1007 York St., for the Colorado Water Garden Society's annual "Get Wet -- Water Gardening Fun" program. (Use after-hours entrance north of the

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246254

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Home prices on the rise - #lakewoodnews

$1.17 million (+5.9 percent) $775,000 (+16 percent) $693,750 (+19 percent) $576,118 (+5.7 percent) $469,975 (+13.3 percent) $465,000 (+3.1 percent) $465,000 (+3.3 percent) $455,000 (+1.3 percent) $435,000 (+8.7 ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246100

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Getting a second chance at life - #lakewoodnews

In May 2013, Cody Crosby lost his life in a car accident that happened just off Wadsworth Boulevard and I-70. But thanks to the efforts of Arvada Police and emergency responders, Crosby helped save other lives through organ donation. "I

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246095

Network of severe weather shelters has gap in Arvada area - #lakewoodnews

On wintry nights, the homeless men and women in central Jefferson County can find shelter with a network of churches that open their doors -- but those living in Arvadaare often left out in the cold. The Severe Weather Shelter Network is a

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246097

Fostering Futures helps youths find solid path - #lakewoodnews

Gema, 16, aspires to become a model and someday open a beauty salon. Christian, also 16, plans to study at the University of Colorado to become an aerospace engineer. Although the two teens have different dreams, they have a few things in

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246098

After long career, AD set for new chapter - #lakewoodnews

Bruce Wright doesn't take anything for granted, so he is retiring following the current school year after 21 years as the Highlands Ranch High School athletic director. "My wife has been retired ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246092

Monday, April 17, 2017

Colleges brew up a new degree - #lakewoodnews

Sales of craft beer rose 6.2 percent in the United States in 2016, according to the Brewers Association, a craft beer industry trade group. Colorado has long been at the forefront of the brewing industry, and the state boasts about 300 craft ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246057

Finding faith in unique ways - #lakewoodnews

When Amanda Horvath moved from Boston to the Denver area for school, she was looking for a place where she could find a sense of community. "I immediately felt at home when I started attending South Fellowship's Summit group for young ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246058

Race to claim Perlmutter's seat begins - #lakewoodnews

For a decade it has been fact of political life, Ed Perlmutter owned Colorado's 7th District. A business lawyer born and raised in Jefferson County, Perlmutter leaped from the state Senate to the 7th Congressional District seat in 2006. In six

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246053

Editorial cartoon April 20 - #lakewoodnews

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,246049

Friday, April 14, 2017

Denver-based ensemble performs in Middle East - #lakewoodnews

Alex Muñoz danced, tossed a wooden rifle in the air and maneuvered a giant white flag under the lights of Englewood High School's football field. Along with about 100 other musicians, she was performing one last time before venturing 7,620 miles ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245994

Thursday, April 13, 2017

In their business - #lakewoodnews

JoAnn Gould joins Apex JoAnn Gould has joined the Apex Park and Recreation District management team. Gould brings expertise and experience to the district to serve as Deputy Director of Recreation

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245977

Marking World War I in style - #lakewoodnews

To mark the 100th anniversary of the United States' entry to the first World War, Red Rocks Community College hosted a campus-wide experiential learning day on April 6. The event featured staff and ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245969

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Letter: Unfair criticism of Dan - #lakewoodnews

Are any of the charges in recent letters to the editor critical of Jeffco's ex-Superintendent Dan McMinimee true? Do these letter writers not know that every chief executive serving

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245697

Letter: Let's end Alzheimer's - #lakewoodnews

Since 2000, deaths from heart disease have decreased by 14 percent, while deaths from Alzheimer's disease have increased by 89 percent. Alzheimer's is the only cause of death in the top 10 that

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245696

Letter: Support state's independence - #lakewoodnews

The Colorado Freedom Defense Act, HB17-1230 just passed the Colorado House and is moving to the Senate. State Senate President Kevin Grantham should assign this bill to a committee that will give it

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245695

Don't let the NEA strike out - #lakewoodnews

April is National Poetry Month. Thus, I paraphrase: "Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright, / The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light; / And somewhere

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245692

Editorial cartoon April 13 - #lakewoodnews

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245689

Decades don't dim coach's love of game - #lakewoodnews

Marc Johnson was standing near the left-field foul line answering questions, and it didn't take long to understand why he is still coaching baseball at Cherry Creek High School. It's for the love ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245687

Second in series of Vietnam era veteran ceremonies held - #lakewoodnews

U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter, D-7th District, has partnered with the governor's office to honor men and women who served during the Vietnam era from Nov. 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975, the beginning and ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245684

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Skunk found near Wadsworth with rabies - #lakewoodnews

Staff Report A skunk captured in Lakewood near Wadsworth and 16th Avenue was infected with rabies, according to lab results from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The skunk came into contact with one dog that was up to

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245491

Martin Barnett - #lakewoodnews

About me ... I'm originally from North Wales. I was very nervous as a young person, and so I joined the scouting movement, and that led me to deciding to travel and started climbing mountains. I originally moved to U.S. to skydive, and I

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245492

Keeping an ear to the ground at Everitt Farms - #lakewoodnews

Spring is the time when farmers get back out into their fields to start planting the year's crops. But U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet is planting seeds for the next Farm Bill in 2018 by hosting listening sessions with his staff throughout the

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245490

South Lakewood gets closer to playground fix - #lakewoodnews

There's nothing wrong with nostalgia, but when a school's playground hasn't been significantly updated since the 1950s, it's time for an upgrade. "Like our school, the playground our students have access to was built in the '50s, and

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245493

Jeffco teachers could receive cost-of-living increase - #lakewoodnews

Jeffco Public Schools teachers could receive a cost-of-living increase of 2 percent if a recent agreement between the district administration and the teachers' union is approved. The possible increase is part of a package that also addresses

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245489

The chamber connection: Helping businesses and residents - #lakewoodnews

Chambers of Commerce are designed to help their businesses grow and prosper in the community, bring in new customers and contribute to the economy. But that's not their only focus -- chambers also inform and connect the residents of their

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245488

No. 5 Green Mountain remains undefeated - #lakewoodnews

LAKEWOOD -- Timing is critical to success in so many ways on the baseball field. So far this season, Green Mountain has had impeccable timing. The Rams (9-0 record) ripped through its non-conference schedule undefeated, including a 4-0 record in

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245478

My name is...Andi Pearson - #lakewoodnews

About me My husband John and I moved to Golden from Washington D.C. about 10 years ago. I'm retirement age. Our daughter moved out here for a job, but she fell in love, got married and stayed. After John retired from the federal government ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245468

Lakewood gives Dakota Ridge OT scare in boys lacrosse - #lakewoodnews

LAKEWOOD -- Dakota Ridge's boys lacrosse needed someone to step up in overtime April 7 at Trailblazer Stadium. With the Eagles' undefeated record on the line, senior midfielder Max Mowry scored in the first couple of minutes of overtime

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245466

Nothing simple in Japanese beetle battle - #lakewoodnews

Japanese beetles have descended on Front Range landscapes, and annual spawning frenzies send waves of frantic gardeners in search of a solution. Each June, the half-inch-long, green and brown metallic beetles lay waste to an array of ornamental ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245457

Tigers race in the Twilight - #lakewoodnews

Lakewood joined 26 other teams at the highly competitive April 7 Thomas Jefferson Twilight Invitational Track Meet and Tiger athletes regularly finished in the top eight in events to score points for their team. "We face a new challenge as we

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245473

Science behind a story comes alive at conference - #lakewoodnews

Storytelling is the oldest form of communication. "Everyone wants to know how to tell a good story, because stories are what we remember," said Kate Lutz, board member of Rocky Mountain Storytelling. "And a well-told story will leave a ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245458

800 meters can be a real pain - #lakewoodnews

The 800-meter run is not a sprint and it's not a distance race. It's a hybrid. It takes speed, stamina, grit and a high threshold for pain to succeed in the 800, which is often referred to as a middle-distance race. In short, the 800 -- ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245447

Monday, April 10, 2017

State Senate to determine fate of transportation bill - #lakewoodnews

State lawmakers are pushing to get a sales tax increase in front of voters this November to fund transportation infrastructure improvements. But while House Bill 17-1242 has widespread support among Democrats, who ensured its passage in the House, ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245416

Longtime congressman Ed Perlmutter joins governor's race - #lakewoodnews

Longtime Congressman Ed Perlmutter was met with blue skies, a warm sun and about 200 supporters in south Golden as he officially announced his race to become Colorado's next governor. Perlmutter's ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245429

Friday, April 7, 2017

Police investigating death at Wal-Mart - #lakewoodnews

Lakewood Police are investigating a deceased woman that was found near the Wal-Mart at 440 Wadsworth Boulevard. Police received a call at about 4:13 p.m. on April 6 about a possible body. When ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245407

Standout performers West Metro - #lakewoodnews

Dylan Aurich, baseball, senior, D'Evelyn: He had three hits in four at-bats, scored twice and drove in two runs in a 14-2 victory over of Madison, Oh. on March 30. Trey Adams, baseball, sophomore,

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245405

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Letter: Criticism misses key points - #lakewoodnews

I was disappointed in Mr. Coyne's personal assessment of the Jeffco School Board. It misses and mischaracterizes several key facts and issues.   The district commitment for teacher pay

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245387

Letter: A culture of canine clean-up - #lakewoodnews

As a frequent visitor to the West Arvada Dog Park for the last 3 years I have noticed that we have few of the problems as noted in other parks around the Denver Metro Area. This is probably due to

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245386

Letter: Tragedy of the commons - #lakewoodnews

The recent talk of closing dog parks throughout the Denver area (Denver, Evergreen, Arvada) show that this concept is still valid. Left to their own devices, people will still exploit

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245385

Letter: McMinimee deserves dumping - #lakewoodnews

A few Jeffco residents have recently written that they feel Superintendent Dan McMinimee's departure is a loss to Jeffco Schools. However, as a parent of two Jeffco students who would have been

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245384

Expanding Colorado's child care options - #lakewoodnews

Many hard-working parents across Colorado are struggling to find quality, affordable child care that meets their needs. While there are wonderful daycare centers, early learning centers and other

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245383

Fine lines differentiate confidence, humility and arrogance - #lakewoodnews

The Denver Nuggets, if you haven't noticed, are a very interesting team to watch this year. They've made some huge strides, after a few abysmal seasons, and have a legitimate star in the making in

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245381

Don't let the NEA strike out - #lakewoodnews

April is National Poetry Month. Thus, I paraphrase: "Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright, / The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light; / And somewhere

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245380

Editorial Cartoon April 6 - #lakewoodnews

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245379

Theater company that coalesced last year stages play in Denver - #lakewoodnews

A couple of years ago, skilled actors -- and good friends -- Haley Johnson and Rachel Bouchard "wanted to do a project together," they said as we sat down before rehearsal time to chat. What? They thought of producing, writing a play together

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245351

Will panel dig idea of boys volleyball? - #lakewoodnews

Boys volleyball, currently a club sport, is set to serve up another attempt to the Colorado High School Activities Association to sanction the sport. The CHSAA Equity Committee didn't endorse

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245340

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Pearl Harbor survivor dies at 93 - #lakewoodnews

Jim Doyle, one of the survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and a Lakewood resident, died March 28 at the age of 93. Doyle was born in eastern Colorado and joined the Navy at 16 because he wanted to be a pilot. The Navy made

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245337

Pearl Harbor survivor dies at 93 - #lakewoodnews

Jim Doyle, one of the survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and a Lakewood resident, died March 28 at the age of 93. Doyle was born in eastern Colorado and joined the Navy at 16 because he wanted to be a pilot. The Navy made

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245329

District Attorney George Brauchler announces bid for governor - #lakewoodnews

George Brauchler is seeking to trade his 18th Judicial District Attorney's office for one in the state Capitol. Brauchler, a Republican, announced April 5 that he is campaigning to replace ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245318

Health fairs, screenings are options for under-insured - #lakewoodnews

While the nation's health insurance debate may be settled for now, the future of health insurance remains uncertain. But some medical services -- like mammograms, pap smears, cholesterol checks and colon cancer screenings -- can be had even

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245309

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Hutchinson Elementary hosts eco-fair and shred day - #lakewoodnews

In honor of Earth Day 2017, the Hutchinson Elementary School's Environmental Club, in partnership with Shred Nations, will host an Eco-Fair and Shred Day for Lakewood residents from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 22. Visitors to the school,

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245160

Pearl Harbor survivor dies at 93 - #lakewoodnews

Jim Doyle, one of the survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and a Lakewood resident, died March 28 at the age of 93. Doyle was born in eastern Colorado and joined the Navy at 16 because he wanted to be a pilot. The Navy made

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245165

Belmar's building blocks of creativity - #lakewoodnews

When photographer Jess Kornacki decided to start her own women's portrait studio, she knew the high costs of setting up shop in Denver would be prohibitive to her getting her business off the ground. Fortunately, there was a spot she had an eye

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245161

Sounds like a musical summer in Lakewood - #lakewoodnews

Listen carefully. Do you hear that? That sound you're hearing is the sound of summer coming to Lakewood. The city announced its lineup for the annual Sounds Exciting! Summer Concert Series, and this year's musicians are more varied than

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245162

Locals enjoy pizza and beer with Sen. Andy Kerr - #lakewoodnews

It's difficult to say no to a cold beer on a warm Colorado afternoon. And if it provides the opportunity to get to know one of your elected representatives, so much the better. That's the idea behind Sen. Andy Kerr's (D-Lakewood) monthly

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245163

Justin MacDevitt - #lakewoodnews

About me I grew up on Long Island, New York. I actually grew up in same neighborhood as Bill O'Reilly, who grew up right around the corner from me. We were pals growing up, and I see him when he comes out here. Coming to Colorado I

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245164

Wheat Ridge resident Ed Sealover writes about history, hikes and hops - #lakewoodnews

When you need an answer to the perennial "what's a great Colorado short-stay getaway" question, Wheat Ridge resident Ed Sealover has one. In fact, he has 30 of them that he details in his most recent book, "Colorado Excursions with History, ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245156

Stove fire forces Applewood retirees out of apartment building - #lakewoodnews

Moving into a new place can be exciting, but for one new Wheat Ridge resident, things went a bit too far when a fire forced an entire apartment complex to evacuate on March 30. According to fire investigators, a new tenant, moving into the ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245155

McMinimee takes job with New American School Colorado - #lakewoodnews

Dan McMinimee, will be the next Superintendent for New American School Colorado. "I am thankful to the Board of NAS - CO for affording me this opportunity," McMinimee said in an email ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245153

West metro is for the A-list - #lakewoodnews

Lots of Jefferson County businesses placed on the Denver A-List for some of the best businesses and services found in the metro area. This year, more than 45,000 people voted, who cast 74,087 votes. ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245151

Monday, April 3, 2017

Kites fly in Arvada - #lakewoodnews

Kites of all shapes and sizes filled the sky above Stengar Sports Complex April 2 during the 16th annual Arvada Kite Festival. BB-8, a Star Wars character, was seen flying next to a butterfly and a traditional kite with Dora the Explorer printed on

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245136

Pearl Harbor survivor dies at 93 - #lakewoodnews

Jim Doyle, one of the survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and a Lakewood resident, died March 28 at the age of 93. Doyle was born in eastern Colorado and joined the Navy at 16 ...

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,245107