Thursday, September 6, 2018

Lindsey, Linn County Commissioner likely broke Oregon Ethics laws

JohnLindsey, Linn County Commissioner likely violated Ethics requirements from Johnny Vash on Vimeo.

The Oregon Ethics Commission will examine whether Linn County Commissioner John Lindsey breached state ethics laws by trying to utilize his position to stop medical cannabis from being grown in his neighborhood south of Lebanon.

A problem was submitted on July 17 by William Templeton of Albany, on behalf of himself and several family members associated with the marijuana operation at Butte Creek Estates.

Lindsey said he invites the probe.

“ I consulted with members of the Ethics Commission and brought documents,” Lindsey stated. “We came to an contract that they require to examine, and I believe this complaint requires to be examined. I desire an examination of the problem itself.”

According to a report by the Government Ethics Commission, Mark Owenby and Michelle Page acquired the home in December 2016. The couple began developing a medical marijuana growing operation, consisting of constructing a big greenhouse.

Templeton charged that in 2017, Lindsey visited the residential or commercial property and provided a organisation card noting he was a county commissioner. Templeton likewise asserts that Lindsey told the residential or commercial property owners “you selected the incorrect area,” and “what you are doing is illegal.”

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