Wednesday, June 17, 2020

John Hickenlooper doesn’t want to be Senator. Democratic primary voters should take note

I first met John Hickenlooper in either late 1992 or 1993. My high school friend, Tom Dargen,  worked for Hickenlooper as a brewer at the Wynkoop Brewery, briefly introduced him to me as he walked through the bar. He was an oddity,  a little awkward, hyper-enthusiastic about his beer and menu. Our chat was brief, no more than ten minutes, and I think I may have pitched him on market research for drawing people to his then not terribly popular corner of Lower Downtown.

If you had told me afterward I was talking to a future Mayor of Denver and Colorado Governor, I would have suggested an immediate 72- hour psychiatric hold. In my mind, a governor was Roy Romer, a titanic force who has a presence far exceeding his modest height. Romer WAS a Governor. Hickenlooper was an odd-duck who struggled maintaining eye contact.

Skip ahead more than a decade. Hickenlooper had created a public profile with a campaign to keep the new Broncos stadium labeled with the old name. Hickenlooper, who previously was not even registered with a political party, was a wildcard candidate for Mayor, against a strong field of seasoned pros.

He was an enthusiastic participant in a Mayoral debate I moderated for the North Denver News. It was a large field to have debating in the small space, the late, great Common Grounds Coffeehouse, then on 32nd Avenue. I had brought a spinner from a child’s game to randomize the order of answers. Memorably, Sue Casey, then a City Councilwoman, took offense at using the spinner, while Hickenlooper happily spun it.

Hickenlooper had nowhere near the depth of policy expertise of the other candidates, who also included Denver Auditor Don Mares. He rattled off a kinda common sense business-y answer to most questions, presaging Donald Trump circa 2015, without the outrage and dog whistles. The debate was very early in the campaign, and if memory serves, it was the first time many of the candidates had faced off. In the end, Hickenlooper struck me as no more than a novelty effort. I was wrong.

Hickenlooper beat Mares in a run-off. The Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News, apparently afraid of Mares’ pro-labor bent, boosted Hickenlooper with early endorsements, and a series of thinly veiled hit pieces on Mares. Hickenlooper was introduced to Denver voters in a series of on-brand, quirky David Kenney-produced television spots, featuring Hickenlooper on a scooter, feeding parking meters. It was altogether strange. The last big mayoral race in Denver had featured Wellington Webb and Norm Early. Heavyweights in terms of both politics and policy experience. It was a slugfest of political machines and depth. And now we had Hickenlooper and his campaign.

After Hickenlooper’s victory, I reported on one of the most unusual political ‘events’ of my life. Hickenlooper, one of his top aides, Happy Haynes, Councilman Rick Garcia, and myself walked the length of Lakewood Gulch from the city limits to downtown. At the time, the Gulch was a mess and had been designated a light rail right of way. Now a lovely park and trail system, then we walked upon a dilapidated, crumbling railway trestle for part of the distance.

Hickenlooper kept up a nearly non-stop commentary on the hike. Already a successful real estate developer, he took particular note of some of the multi-family units abutting the gulch, and presciently noted the boost in values coming with light rail access. He also talked about some of the geologic features of the gulch, not surprising considering his previous profession. But almost wholly absent was any real discussion of public priorities and issues. Garcia brought up his concerns, and the new mayor, having little in response, deferred to Haynes, who remains one of the city’s most knowledgeable players. All told, it was strange. There was little political talk- no discussion of funds, city priorities or the wholesale neglect the area had faced for decades. Clearly Hickenlooper was an interesting guy, but his oddness and distance from the job of Mayor was similar.

A few years later, Hickenlooper’s son split the tenure of my two children at a North Denver preschool. The school sometimes had a bit of a co-op feel, and parent workdays to maintain and improve the building and playground were just part of the community. The dads would gather to do work in the yard and kibitz a bit. The time I remember Hickenlooper showing up, he stood on his shovel, away from the other dads, doing basically no work. I don’t know whether he was uncomfortable in the setting— he was Mayor after — or just wasn’t a social type. His affect makes it hard to imagine him being effective in the Senate cloakroom, where bonhomie is the reserve currency.

Why is Hickenlooper even running for the Senate? It’s clear that he was pressured by the D.C. establishment, who thought his electoral pedigree was an asset. But he was quite clear he didn’t want the job, and wasn’t suited for it. His debate performances and his bizarre turn with the Ethics Commission have proven that out. And there was the arrogance of his refusal of a subpoena and subsequent being found in contempt. My mind couldn’t help but flashback to the preschool playground. He didn’t want to be there. He doesn’t want to be in this Senate race. He doesn’t want to be a Senator.

Voters should take notice. Andrew Romanoff is the best choice, really the only choice, in the Colorado Democratic primary.

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