Thursday, June 11, 2020

Ready On Day One: Who we think should be Biden’s running mate 

By Wellington E. and Wilma J. Webb

The Democratic nominee Joe Biden has suggested he will choose a woman as his running mate. We believe that woman should be former national security adviser Susan Rice, a woman of color. Let us share our rational for ourvchoice. In our country’s  history, we have often reached out to someone to lead us in a time of unprecedented unrest. Let us give you a few examples. In 1945, during the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals, President Truman appointed Associate Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson as chief prosecutor for the United States. 

Jackson worked at achieving a consensus among the Allies and was finally successful with an agreement between the American, British, French, and Soviet governments.

At a time when the world was fractured, he helped build a coalition of trust and held the war criminals accountable for the atrocities.

wellington webb photo

Wellington and Wilma Webb

When America was at the brink of the Civil War in 1860, Republicans voted on the third ballot to choose a member of the U.S. Representatives, Abraham Lincoln, to be their nominee and he was the right man to lead the country during that divisive and groundbreaking time.

Our country has been torn apart for generations over racism and other social justice issues. In 2020, the Democrats need a strong ticket that will address those issues head-on instead of inciting more division.

Susan Rice would be ready to go on day one. She served as the 24th U.S. National Security Advisor to President Barack Obama from 2013 to 2017 and as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations from 2009 to 2013. The U.S. Senate confirmed her as Ambassador by unanimous consent on January 22, 2009.

Susan had a brilliant academic career, and as Assistant Secretary of State was responsible for policy at the U.S. State Department for 48 African countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. She knows how the government works from the inside as an ambassador, as a diplomat and she knows how to interpret, promote, defend, and build coalitions. She served President Obama with briefings on important foreign issues, including working with intelligence agencies.

Susan also has demonstrated the ability to communicate well to the media and the public. She understands fear for the black men in her life – her sons, brother and nephew – with any confrontation with police.

As a former basketball point guard, she knows how to play the game of politics whether she’s speaking to a group of intellectuals or a faculty group or during a trash-talking session on the basketball court.

In order to beat Trump, the Democratic ticket must inspire voters. We need a vice president who can walk comfortably among the mighty and the common folk.  

And we need a leader who will recognize and learn from past missteps, including knowing the State Department should have done more on the Rwanda issue.

She is a stronger public service because she acknowledges she’s not perfect. Susan has the ability and confidence to inspire a nation and has the background, experience, and analytical policy ability to do the job on day one. 

At age 55, she also brings a different perspective to Biden, age 77. She is young enough to run again for the office of president.

Susan has worked with Joe Biden and both she and Biden bring one quality that Trump does not have, empathy.

It is time for a woman of color to serve in this nation’s highest office. Together, Susan Rice and Joe Biden can work to address many social issues with a deep commitment to restore humanity and compassion to the White House.

Wellington E. Webb

Former Mayor of Denver

Wilma J. Webb

Former Colorado State Representative

Photo by Jeffrey Beall


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