Friday, October 7, 2016

Letter: Supporting 3A and 3B right thing to do - #lakewoodnews

I'm voting for the Yes on 3A and 3B campaign because I'm a mother and it's the only ethical thing to do. Since the day we stepped into school in 2009, my child and 86,000 others have endured cuts to their education.

The average school building in Jeffco is more than 45 years old. 110 elementary, middle and high school buildings will receive repairs and improvements long overdue including roofs, plumbing, electrical, lighting and mechanical; providing opportunities for students to learn in safe environments by extending the life of these schools and better utilization of facilities.

Parents everywhere are paying fees that were unheard of when I was growing up. We're selling cookie dough to fund basic necessities, an unstable and inequitable system for funding our public schools.

As the parent of a middle schooler, I have to bring up the safety and security resources that are needed. Any parent with children in schools has heard of the drills our children learn, lockdown and lockout. This is our reality in 2016. Along with this comes inadequate funding and a conversation that needs to happen especially in Jeffco. Please consider this factor as an imperative need as we have an opportunity to make a difference with 3A and 3B.

The district is committed to protecting their safety and security, and a review of the facilities has identified high priority safety needs at our schools that will be funded by 3A 3B.

The cost of my favorite drink at Starbucks is $6.74. Taking care of all 86,000 students and more than 12 million square feet of by the buildings costs just $4.12 per month. As a mother and volunteer, I am asking that you join in voting Yes on 3A and 3B.

Shawna Fritzler,





from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,236661

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