Sunday, July 19, 2020

District 3 DPD Crime Alert

Crime Alert Bulletins for District 3 – Please see attachments.

Robbery- 9660 E. Alameda Ave
Robbery – 323 S. Broadway St.

List of most commonly stolen vehicle in Denver April – June 2020


July CAB Report

July 30th at 6 pm – Virtual Neighborhood Watch Action and Awareness training

No August monthly Virtual Conference with Commander Kyle (CAB).  July’s CAB presentation in PDF is attached to this email.

Auto thefts are up significantly in District 3 this year. As of May 30th, more than 700 vehicles have been stolen since this year in District 3 alone, that’s up more than 45% as compared to this same time period last year. For those who own a vehicle listed on the Metro Area Task Force most stolen list (attached to email) you can reach out to our CRO’s (,, and to request a free CLUB steering wheel lock, anti-theft device.  Note: if you would like to see your neighborhood’s crime stats as compared to the same time period last year, please email me or your CRO’s for instructions on how to access this information via

Due to an increase in license plate thefts, District 3 is offering free tamper-resistant license plate screws to all Denver residents – stop by District 3 (1625 S. University Blvd). The Clerk’s desk is staffed from 6 am to 9 pm.  The only model’s these screws will not work on are: BMW/Mini, Volvo, and Tesla.

Buying goods online and need a place to meet – now is a great time to remind our neighbors District 3 (1625 S. University Blvd) parking lot has designated Safe Tradeparking spaces for those buying and selling online goods (see attached image).

Please reach out to our CRO’s with your questions or concerns: east of Colorado Blvd.,

Thank you for caring about our community!

The post District 3 DPD Crime Alert appeared first on Cranmer Park/Hilltop Civic Association.

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