Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Golden Gran Fondo offers challenge for cyclists - #lakewoodnews

In part, the Golden Gran Fondo is a scenic ride of casual nature that cyclists like to do with friends. But it also has a reputation of being one of the most challenging races in the nation.

"You get to ride with your buddies," said Marty Quinn, one of the event organizers. "Everybody rides together on the same course. (But) if you want to win, you have to go all out. You'll feel great having completed such a challenge."

The Golden Gran Fondo starts at 8 a.m. Aug. 28, underneath the arch in downtown Golden. Racers, pros and amateurs alike can choose from three different course lengths, then competes in the timed sections set up along the course.

This year will be Dan Delli-Colli third time competing in the Golden Gran Fondo and he likes how difficult it is, he said.

"It is one of the hardest road rides that I've done," he said. "I really like the feeling of being challenged and that I've given it my all."

Delli-Colli considers himself an amateur athlete, so for him, one of the most exciting aspects of the Golden Gran Fondo is getting to race on roads that pro cyclists have raced on.

Organizers spent a lot of time planning the route this year because Lookout Mountain is unavailable, Quinn said. But Robinson Hill Road, he said, will include "beautiful views of Mount Evans on a gravel road with steep pitches." Quinn expects racers will enjoy the route.

And although there is nothing official set up, there are a lot of good spots along the route for spectators, Quinn said. "Cyclists would love to have some crowds cheering them on," he added.

Spectators should choose a place along the route that has a shoulder wide enough where it's safe to park. The route will not be closed or blocked to traffic, Quinn said, and cyclists are also "expected to follow all the rules of the road."

This year's beneficiary is the Golden Optimists Club, a bicycle-recycle program that provide bike to community members in need. Plus a number of community organizations --; local Boy Scouts, Gilpin County Schools, the Golden Bike Shop and Pedal Pushers racing, to name a few --; will be helping out during the race, Quinn said.

It's such a fun community event, said competitor Jamie Armitage. She added that having an organized event such as the Golden Gran Fondo is great for Golden, but also "brings the cycling community together, nationwide."

Being her second time competing in the Gran Fondo, Armitage is looking forward to "pushing herself a little harder" but also "sharing a good time with friends" as they ride together.

"It is timed, which makes it a race," she said. "But is mostly a fun ride --; a great day on the bike."

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.comhttp://goldentranscript.net/stories/Golden-Gran-Fondo-offers-challenge-for-cyclists,234154?branding=15

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