Friday, July 17, 2020

Gov. Polis Issues Statewide Face Mask Order

July 16  Executive Order D 2020 138 was issued Amending and Extending Executive Orders D 2020 039, D 2020 067, D 2020 092, and D 2020 110 Ordering Individuals in Colorado to Wear Non-Medical Face Coverings.

Colorado Public Radio has been covering the COVID 19 pandemic thoroughly.  Here is their most recent coverage:

After pleading, prodding, cajoling, using both friendly and harsh language, and appealing to the better civic sensibilities of Coloradans everywhere, Gov. Jared Polis has finally done what he’s been resistant to do.

The governor has issued a statewide face mask order for Coloradans aged 10 and up — effective at midnight tonight.

Polis also issued a two-week pause on any new county variances, and said counties with variances that are experiencing increases in COVID cases must take immediate action or risk losing their variances.

  • INTERVIEW: Gov. Polis told Colorado Matters why he’s been reluctant to enact a statewide face mask order.
  • OUTBREAKS: Colorado’s coronavirus cases continue to rise, threatening the state’s reopening businesses.
  • FULL COVERAGE: All our coronavirus coverage is in one place so you can find the latest as soon as we publish it.

The post Gov. Polis Issues Statewide Face Mask Order appeared first on Cranmer Park/Hilltop Civic Association.

Colorado News

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