Friday, January 1, 2021

Proposed changes to Denver Marijuana Code Mtg

The Department of Excise and Licenses would like to invite all Registered Neighborhood Organizations (RNOs) and community members to learn more about a proposed draft package of legislative changes to the Denver Marijuana Code. The proposed changes are the product of years of research and outreach, and include local incorporation of new state-approved licenses types and an equity program to provide ownership and licensure opportunities to previously disenfranchised Coloradans.

The Department of Excise and Licenses will be hosting a community feedback session on Wednesday, January 6 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. via Zoom. City staff will explain the proposed changes, and there will be opportunity at the end for members of the public to provide feedback on the proposal.

For more details please see the attached bulletin below and be sure to visit our website.

Questions? Concerns? Unable to make the session or interested in scheduling some time to chat with the Department about the proposal? Email

In partnership,

The Department of Excise and Licenses, City and County of Denver

Additional Stakeholder Feedback Sessions on Draft Marijuana Ordinances

December 21, 2020

Dear Stakeholders,

The Office of Marijuana Policy and Department of Excise and Licenses would like to express appreciation to all those who attended last week’s stakeholder feedback sessions on the draft marijuana legislation. The draft legislation and the presentation from the feedback sessions are available on the Marijuana Laws, Rules, and Regulations website. A chart comparing the sections of the current marijuana ordinances with the proposed marijuana ordinances is also now available on the website. Video recordings of the feedback sessions and an FAQ document addressing questions posed in the Q&A will be posted on the website this week as well.

Two additional feedback sessions have been scheduled for the first week in January:
Wednesday, January 6, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

  • Anyone is welcome to join this evening feedback session. Stakeholders representing public health, public safety, social justice, registered neighborhood organizations, community groups, and youth-serving organizations are encouraged to attend this session as it will address broader issues of interest to these groups.
  • Join the Session on Zoom

Friday, January 8, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

  • Marijuana industry members are encouraged to attend this question-and-answer session intended to address specific industry concerns and technical details of the draft ordinances.
  • Join the Session on Zoom

Additionally, the deadline to submit written comments has been extended to Friday, January 15 at 5:00 p.m. A written comment template is available for your convenience. Please submit written comments to

If you have questions or comments, please email us at

Thank you,
Department of Excise and Licenses, Office of Marijuana Policy

The post Proposed changes to Denver Marijuana Code Mtg appeared first on Cranmer Park/Hilltop Civic Association.

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