Wednesday, February 3, 2016

My Name Is: Kathleen Oestman of Lakewood - #lakewoodnews

About me

I was born in Wray, and our family moved to Flagler, where my family still lives today. I graduated from Flagler High School with nine other kids in my class --; it was a pretty small town.

I came to Colorado Christian University because both of my older brothers attended here, and whenever we came to visit them I liked the campus and the vibe here. My twin sister Morgan was also admitted here, so it's nice to have family close.

I'll be graduating early, so I'm a senior a semester early. I'm studying communications, with a minor in business.

The Bill Gordon Award

This award was truly a blessing. It's given by the Rocky Mountain Agribusinesses Association, and my dad is a member of the organization. He was always telling us we should get more involved with the group.

My dad is very much invested in agriculture back home, and I worked with him a lot during harvest times. Flagler is extremely agriculture based, and it's an area I think is fascinating and enjoyable. Often, people don't think about where their food comes from, but I've seen it on a personal basis.

Applying for the award involved finding people to write me letters of recommendation and writing about topics like how I'm going to use my major to help the world. I did my best to find people who would give me a fair assessment.

As a winner, I received $1,500, which will certainly help me a lot.

In my free time...

I work at Chick-fil-A, which I really enjoy. When I'm not working, I generally love to be outdoors. I love to hike and go on random adventures. I like to be with my family and friends and have as many adventures as possible.

Looking toward the future

The relationships I've built here at CCU have been my favorite part of being here, because they've all been so substantial and long-lasting. There's a sense here of everyone coming together, and it's nice having that feeling.

I'm not sure what I want to do upon graduating --; I've been considering a lot of options. I've thought about accounting or real estate, but right now I'm trying to learn as much as I can.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,206651

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