Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Railroad museums wins Super Bowl bet - #lakewoodnews

The Colorado Railroad Museum will be chowing down on some North Carolina pit-cooked pork barbecue because the Denver Broncos beat the Carolina Panthers 24-10 in Super Bowl 50 on Feb. 7.

Golden's Colorado Railroad Museum accepted the "Turntable Challenge" thrown down Feb. 5 by the North Carolina Transportation Museum.

Both museums were confident their team would be victorious.

"During the big game, we expect far more Panther growls than Mile High salutes," said Kelly Alexander, executive director of the North Carolina Transportation Museum on the Friday before the Super Bowl. "It will be music to our ears as we prepare to enjoy our winnings from the Colorado Railroad Museum. We can't wait to see the staff of the Colorado Railroad Museum taking a spin on their turntable to the tune of `Stand and Cheer for the Panthers.' "

But in Golden, Broncos fans bleed orange and blue.

"We are confident that our `Iron Horse' team will be turning your Panthers into kittens," said Donald Tallman, executive director of the Colorado Railroad Museum. "We look forward to savoring the barbecue and beer from North Carolina!"

The hope is that your team will win, said Marcie Miller, the Colorado Railroad Museum's director of development. But, she added, it's just for some "light-hearted, good-spirited fun between colleagues in the industry."

Many organizations in the two states are doing similar challenges, Tallman said, agreeing with Miller.

"It's an opportunity for a friendly wager and a way to involve the communities in something fun surrounding the Super Bowl," Tallman said.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.comhttp://arvadapress.com/stories/Railroad-museums-wins-Super-Bowl-bet,206908?branding=15

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