Thursday, April 14, 2016

My Name Is: Yvonne Pepping of Lakewood - #lakewoodnews

About me...

I was born in Boise, Idaho, but grew up between New Jersey and Colorado. I graduated from Douglas County High School in 1981. I met and married my husband, Paul Pepping, in December of 1986. We raised three children in the Lakewood area

I am very proud to say that we have a military background beginning with my 93-year-old father-in-law who served in the Navy during World War II and my 80-year-old father who served during the Korean War in the Air Force. The current generation has served proudly and continues to serve in the Army, Air Force and Navy. Currently I have a nephew in Kuwait serving the Army, a niece in Japan serving the Air Force and a son serving the Navy in Hawaii.

What I do at Red Rocks Community College...

I am responsible for developing and managing our Student Ambassador team. We provide tours to individuals as well as school groups and work with our recruiters to inform potential students on the benefits of becoming a RRCC student. When you visit RRCC, my team is the first one you will see and we work hard to greet each member of our community with warmth and appreciation.

In my free time I like to...

Do so many things! I lead an active life with exercise every day and a great deal of variety - weightlifting, Zumba, spinning, running and hiking. My husband and I just finished our third half-marathon.

I have often said that hiking serves my body but also my soul as there few things in life that lift me up more. I love spending time with family, playing games, eating out, watching movies and doing puzzles.

My other great love is reading. I currently have hundreds of books on my to-read list!

The importance of leading a healthy life...

There is not much that is more important to me.

As my children were growing up, I let myself go. About six years ago, my husband and I decided enough was enough and we each lost 50 pounds. Our commitment to eating healthy and exercising is an extremely important part of our life.

I plan to live for a long time and want to do it well. I have become an ambassador for good health and try to influence those around me.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,211608

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