Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Jeffco Fair just around the corner - #lakewoodnews

Dexter Foxworth, the new events coordinator for the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, is looking forward to seeing everybody coming up to the gates to enjoy the reimagined Jeffco Fair & Festival.

"We created this celebration for Jefferson County," he said. It's a "well-rounded event for everybody."

The new Jeffco Fair & Festival takes place Aug. 11-14 at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, 15200 W. 6th Ave., Golden.

The event will feature a variety of entertainment sprinkled among the grounds, rodeo and bullfighting, 4-H and lots of live music.

To find a complete schedule of events, visit www.celebratejeffco.com.

Why was the Jeffco fair redesigned? How will the 2016 event celebrate Jefferson County?

For the past several years, the annual Jeffco Fair & Rodeo has been held on the second weekend in August at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. A volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization has acted in the role of promoter for the multiple-day public event.

With Jefferson County already connected to the Jeffco Fair & Rodeo through name, facilities, resources and reputation, the county evaluated and reviewed the governance and business practices of this event. In June of 2015, at the direction and request of the Board of County Commissioners, beginning in 2016, the county decided to take control, responsibility and offer additional support for this event.

The county has done a great job of engaging county divisions and various community organizations, businesses and individuals in the planning and development process of this new event. From the very beginning we've ensured those that live, work and play in Jefferson County have been involved with the creation of this event.

What does a successful fair and festival look like?

I think it's important that any community event or function is designed with the community in mind and represents the region. Having Jefferson County residents at the table in the development of this event has been the greatest asset to ensure we maintain that focus. I think there is something for every event guest that visits the new Jeffco Fair & Festival, and I cannot wait to see how the event changes and grows each year based on the interests of this community.

Through November, the community had various opportunities --; brainstorming sessions and an online survey --; to voice what it wanted in a county fair. How valuable was the feedback, and how much of it has been incorporated into the reimagined fair and festival?

Spending time with various community sectors and hearing their interests and wishes for what they wanted in their county celebration was key. The survey and focus groups produced great feedback and demonstrated the many diverse interests in Jefferson County. Even the event name for the event came from feedback from the community. Of course, not every idea or thought could be accomplished in year one, but I am excited to see how we might be able to incorporate other ideas from the community in future years.

What challenges have you faced as events coordinator? What are some of the highlights and accomplishments?

Being new to Colorado and Jefferson County certainly presented some challenges as it was important to me and the county to ensure this new event was designed to celebrate all things Jeffco. This job has afforded me the opportunity to not only get to work alongside many wonderful community members, but to also learn about the rich history of Jeffco.

The success of the Jeffco Fair & Festival is truly a collaborative effort between staff, partners, county departments, committees and volunteers who have come together to create this new Jefferson County celebration.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.com/stories/Jeffco-Fair-just-around-the-corner,233101

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