Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Story behind the shoes - #lakewoodnews

The Brothers Grimm may have written some of the most famous stories in history, but sometimes they skimped on details when it came to character.

Rory Pierce, writer and director of Miners Alley Playhouse's children's theater, says one of his favorite stories, "The Shoemaker and the Elves," suffers from this very problem.

So he decided to do something about it.

"I wrote most of the children's theater up at Heritage Square, but I hadn't written anything in probably three years," Pierce said. "This is the first play I've written specifically for Miners Alley and our space."

Pierce's take on "The Shoemaker and the Elves" runs at Miners Alley, 1224 Washington Ave. in Golden, through Aug. 20. Performances are 1 p.m. on Saturday.

In Pierce's version, the Shoemaker is a young man trying to impress the woman he loves. The problem is he's not very good at making shoes. That is, until a couple of elves, Aelfgar and Aelfgifu (Pierce and Lisa Ann Gaylord), start helping.

"Aelfgifu is a really fun character to play," Gaylord said. "Rory's elf is the one who does more playing around, but really knows what's best in the end. Mine has really good intentions, but a really childlike way of getting what she wants."

As a children's theater writer, Pierce said he likes to give characters arcs and lessons, without becoming too heavy-handed.

"It's always a challenge to write a new show and have it make sense," he said. "I write them to be interactive learning experiences. This production is about doing good things without expecting a reward."

Children's theater, and Pierce in particular, was the inspiration for Gaylord to pursue acting, and she has held onto her love of the genre.

"I teach children's classes, and encourage children to come to the theater," she said. "With Rory's shows, they can get up on and stage and see what it's like. There's always an opportunity to feel connected."

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.com/stories/Story-behind-the-shoes,233482

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