Thursday, December 15, 2016

Letter: Comeuppance for teachers union - #lakewoodnews

Perhaps the Jeffco School District should contact the National Teacher's Unions for funding to keep those schools open.

The Unions didn't hesitate to poor money into the district when the recall effort sent conservative school board members home. The recall effort cost Jeffco at least a quarter of a million dollars.

I don't recall any suggestion of closing schools when Ken Witt was in charge. What I do remember is Witt running off a very poor Superintendent Stevenson and having a methodical approach to finances and making our precious tax dollars stretch for the children.

Today we have a dysfunctional school board that can't honor their promises to the teachers, can't afford to keep schools open and have no real path to solve the problems.  

Perhaps the school board can get the students to protest some AP courses to get people's minds off the school boards failure?

James Harris,




from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,240450

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