Thursday, December 15, 2016

Letter: Unsurprised by school board reaction - #lakewoodnews

Reading about the potential school closings due to the school tax going down in flames, I was not surprised that the school board voted in November to make teacher pay their top priority. It's not surprising because as reported in The Arvada Press in January, that the organization behind the recall and the funding of it was funded by the teachers union. Ninety-nine percent of the money, which they did not want to disclose, was given by national, state and local teachers unions. It was not funded by T-shirt and bake sales as they told us. So let me ask, are the board members, who wanted our taxes to go through the roof, looking  out for our interests or the interests of the teachers and their unions? By their own admission, they are looking out for the unions interest and not ours. They may say its "for the children" but their actions say otherwise. As noted on the next page of the Arvada Press, school attendance in Jeffco is flat. I'm glad the levy failed, I'm sick of my hard earned money going to politicians whose special interests help them get elected and they in turn give money back to them. To me, and others, this is just corruption. Who is looking out for the hard working person? Not the Jeffco school board, they have the union mouths to feed. 

David Albertsen,




from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,240451

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