Saturday, October 24, 2020

What are the Top 9 Dangerous Jobs in the World


Life and death is a matter of fate. We are so engrossed in our daily lives that we never stop and think about the potential risks of getting injured or meeting a lethal accident. The truth is that every day many people leave their homes so that they can get to their workplaces.

While putting their lives at risk, the people are just like you and me. Some people work a 9 to 5 shift at an office. They might be working at dangerous work sites, such as construction sites, coal mines, etc. Dangerous jobs also include the employment of police officers, truck drivers, pilots, and many more.

The bottom line is that the fatality rate of full-time workers is increasing annually. This is quite alarming and makes us wonder whether appropriate safety measures are being taken at workplaces to curb the risk of getting injured and hurt.

Read on to learn more about nine of the most dangerous jobs in the world.


1.      Loggers

The occupation of logging is amongst the top dangerous jobs in the world. Not to mention the fact that it has the highest ratio of getting deadly injured, as well. According to a study, more than 90 logging workers lay down their lives every year. The job of loggers is physically challenging since it involves heavy machinery and complicated equipment to chop off the trees’ gigantic masses. For instance, this job consists of heavy chainsaws and the risk of trees falling on you. When combined with other factors, the logging workers put their lives at a huge risk every day on their job.


2.      Fishers

This might come as a surprise, but it is true to the core. The life of a professional angler or a fishing worker differs from that of a hobbyist. Fishing is excellent, but only as long as it remains a hobby and is confined to occasional fishing sprees. You can imagine the level of dangerous risks involved in fishing because it has found its place on the second spot of our list of the top nine hazardous jobs in the world. Commercial fishing has taken the lives of many anglers. More importantly, the fatality rate of this job is about 85 deaths per 100,000 fishers. Many crucial factors come to play that contribute to the ends and severe injuries of the angler. Such factors include lousy weather conditions, the failure of fishing equipment and machinery, and also transportation accidents.


3.      Pilots and Aircraft Staff

We know that flying involves great risks for pilots, aircraft staff, flight engineers, and attendants. But it carries an equally dangerous aspect for the passengers. That being said, flying and everything else related to flying comes with a greater risk of fatality. Planes can crash, and the chances of survival are meager. According to statistics, the fatality rate is up to 75 annually. This is the very reason that flying an aircraft takes courage and guts. Not to mention that the pilots carry the lives of the passengers on board as well.


4.      Roofers

The job of roofers is dangerous and demanding since they must stay off the ground for a certain period each day. It should not be this much of a surprise that this job is ranked on this list’s fourth place. More than 100 deaths are reported for this employment annually, in the United States alone. And you might have guessed it correctly. The majority of deaths from this job happen due to falling and getting lethal injuries due to the impacts with the ground. This is why positions like these offer the right to workers’ compensation benefits. However, in such cases, witnesses and the efficacy of the company’s policy play a crucial role.


5.      Trash Collectors

Many people might find it a surprise regarding how such a mundane job has made its spot on number five. The truth is that as the previously mentioned positions, collecting trash or recyclables is as dangerous as the rest. Most of the deaths and severe injuries are caused when an object or another vehicle strikes the collectors’ truck.


6.      Construction Workers

Construction workers maneuver heavy iron and steel items each day on their work. Working with heavy equipment, complicated machinery, and steel beams is, without a doubt, quite hazardous. You might be thinking that the deaths stem from working with massive beams and intricate machinery, such as cranes. But the truth is that the majority of these deaths are caused by slipping. As a matter of fact, at least 26 out of 100 thousand construction workers die from slipping or falling.


7.      Truck Drivers

Road accidents contribute tremendously to claims of personal injuries. But, if one is a truck driver by profession and gets into an accident, they can claim workers’ compensation. That being said, it is essential to know that even driving to your office can prove as dangerous and risky as any other job that was previously mentioned. Due to the increasing rate of road accidents, truck drivers and other drivers are at a greater risk of getting injured or hit by a vehicle 24/7. According to statistics, there are more than 900 fatalities reported annually due to road accidents.

8.      Agricultural Workers and Farmers

Nature is beautiful; yet, it can be fatal as well. Despite numerous technological advances, there are still certain regions where farmers and agricultural workers rely on heavy machinery for farming. They also work while using various motor vehicles. For instance, they might be using a machine lawn mower or a heavy tractor. Subsequently, they are exposed to getting injured or becoming a fatal victim of a farming-related accident. The fatality rate of the profession of farming lies somewhere near 24.


9.      Workers of Ground Maintenance

The jobs of gardeners and ground maintenance workers might sound simple enough. But, similar to other jobs, this one is as dangerous. The main reason for the dangerousness is that gardeners and related workers are exposed to risky elements at all times. The elements can include sharp tools, heavy machinery, and other complex equipment that can prove fatal to the employees. Despite being the last one on the list of the top nine dangerous jobs globally, the workers of ground maintenance are exposed to an average fatality rate of 17.4. Given the simple nature of the job, these statistics are quite alarming.  


What to do when you get injured at work?

Suppose you have been injured at work, what would be the first thing to do? Besides getting medical health care, you will want to speak to an attorney who deals with workers’ compensation. For instance, if you are situated in Orange County, you might want to look up for the best Orange County workers comp lawyer to guide you through the law’s essentials. The expert will also help you get your rightful compensation while ensuring that your off-days are paid.

There are many benefits within the system of the workers’ compensation. Suppose you get injured related to your employment. In that case, the workers’ comp will assist you in obtaining medical benefits along with your income. Also, this is possible if your employer has a policy that backs up workers’ compensation.


 What are Income Benefits?

Income benefits refer to the amount granted to you to cover a part of your income that was lost as a result of your work-related accident or injury. Typically, the amount of income benefits is derived from your average weekly income. This rule might vary from state to region; however, your legal advisor will clear all your questions and concerns regarding it. The average weekly wage might also include other aspects for which your employer pays. For instance, it might be fuel expenses or health care. Typically, your employer will provide the details of the income benefits related to your weekly wages to their insurance company. The wage statement is reported to the insurance company so that you can receive your income benefits.


Can you return to work?

After you are injured, your doctor might allow you to return to your employer or work agency to make necessary changes. Such changes are required to fit you in by changing your regular position. Given that you are injured or hurt, you will not continue with the routine tasks you were doing before getting injured. The employer or the company might find a different temporary job for you while recovering fully. Depending on the state you are residing or working in, you will still be eligible to receive income benefits. However, one condition is that your employer gives you a different task to do. And pays you fewer wages than you used to get before you got injured.

If you are an undocumented employee and get injured at your workplace. You might be wondering whether you are eligible to apply for workers’ compensation benefits. The answer is in the affirmative since most American states grant workers’ comp to immigrants and undocumented workers in case of an injury at the workplace.



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Top-Rated Tourist Destinations in Denver



Denver is known as the Mile High City because it is nestled at 5280 feet above sea level. You will be surprised to know, this city has been around since the 1850s and is one of the most sought after tourist destinations in the world. Because of its scenic beauty and mind-boggling places, Denver is known as the heart of the US. Secondly, if you want to have a playful vacation with your kids, Denver is the great option for your family. Because Denver is encapsulated with 300 sunny days in a year, tourists have a plethora of options to choose from. From metropolis to the local parks, Denver is packed with everything you can think of. So whether you want to plan a day’s trip to the zoo or want to dine at a local restaurant, Denver is not short of options for you. The city has an abundance of national parks and is surrounded by the most lucrative neighborhoods. So now that you have planned a trip to Denver, we will jot down a list of a few places you must visit in Denver:

1.   Red Rocks Park

Although this park is located 15 miles from Downtown but is worth your time and commute, secondly, if you don’t have a car, you will be taken to this park via a shuttle. For your information, Red rock is a park and a music venue owned by Denver city. The name is borrowed from the red sandstones that are found throughout the area. This venue is lucrative because it manages to attract music talent throughout the city. Music buffs love to stop by the city’s Hall of Fame. This place is inclusive of the memories and souvenirs of the most sought after musicians of the area. So if you want to enjoy a musical night in the city or get intrigued by the culture, a visit to Red Rock park will suffice for your needs.

2.   Center for The Performing Arts

Apart from its scenic beauty, Denver is known for being the house of several artists. It has over 200 different art-related institutions and is rich in this culture. The center for performing arts is located near Larimer square. It is a gigantic center that hosts iconic venues of the city such as Auditorium theatre, Boettcher Concert Hall, and The Ellie Opera House. If you are looking for entertainment in Denver city, you can get it here. So if you decide to dedicate a night to this center, you will be able to enjoy a live show or a variety of different artistic performances. Secondly, this venue is responsible for hosting major events in the city. Secondly, people who want to enroll in the art sector for education reasons usually come here.

3.   Kirkland Museum

Kirkland museum holds the distinction in the city for holding art pieces that fall between 1880 to 1980. In this museum, every mainstream design is printed from arts and crafts to major pop art. Especially if you want to check out the artwork of the early 1800s, Kirkland will take you back in history easily. However, because the prime focus of the museum is on Colorado’s art, you will be astonished to come across mind-boggling artwork. Kirkland museum is protected by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, which is why it is one of the most sought after tourist spots in Denver.

4.   Coors Field

Do you know about the Rockies baseball club of Colorado? If yes, you will be astonished to know that the Coors field is its home. This stadium has a seating capacity of 50,200 people and is known as one of the largest ones in the city. The audience loves this stadium because, from some seats, you can get a clear view of the Rocky Mountains. If tourists want to know what goes on behind the scenes, they can get free tours. Secondly, if you want to enjoy the match, you need to prebook the tickets as they often get sold out. Because of restrained seating capacity, every day, the ticket count is decided. The tour of the entire stadium can last between 60 to 90 minutes with special facilities for the disabled. When visiting Denver, you must stop by the Coors field to enjoy the baseball match by the Rockies.

5.   Denver Public Library

Denver’s public library was engineered by Michael Graves in 1995 and is one of the best tourist spots today. Although book reading has been replaced by technological intrusion, the experience of spending time in this quiet place is unmatchable. This library is acknowledged for its genealogical collections and western culture. Outside the library, you will come across the 34-foot tall landmark as well. It is the perfect place for a tourist to take lots of pictures to capture memories. Spending some time in the library will make you feel nostalgic and go back in time to remember the school days. Denver’s public library is the only place that is open all the time for tourists. However, it is in your best interest to maintain silence because it is flooded with a lot of college and university students.

6.   The Museum of Nature and Science

If you have your little munchkins with you, visiting the museum of nature and science is going to be an option that you will never regret. This place is known as Denver’s top cultural attraction because of its structural beauty. During night time, many people gather to take pictures around this place because of its sparkling lights. One of the most sought-after exhibits is the collection of minerals, the largest gold nuggets of the city, and Ice Age animals. Furthermore, the museum often hosts exhibitions for kids and locals. When you’re finished with checking out this facility, you can plan to visit City Park. This place is popular for the locals and is also a hub for jazz concerts.

7.   Denver Botanic Gardens

These gardens were introduced in the 1950s. Today, this botanical garden is one of the largest across the US. Spreading over 23 acres, this botanical garden is a popular site for tourists. As a visitor, you must respect the area and don’t try to litter around. If you are caught spoiling the plants, the local cops will hound you. The basic ethos of this garden was to introduce the concept of sustainable and native plants to the locals. Today, this botanical garden has managed to attract thousands of tourists from the US and the different countries globally. If you haven’t visited the garden before, you will be thrilled to come across the Japanese garden, ferns, waterfalls, and Pavilion with orchids. These gardens host a series of special events throughout the year, including concerts too.

8.   Denver Art Museum

The fortress-like art museum is enriched with pieces from American Indian, European, Asian, African, and oceanic art. However, it also has collections from the Columbian works and the Spanish colonial. Especially if you sift through the Native American galleries, they are impressive and nothing less than eye candy. This collection has gained massive eyeballs throughout the US with over 2000 old history. Secondly, the contemporary and modern art collections feature the names of big people from the entertainment world. Try not to touch any art piece, otherwise, the cops of the local museum will arrest you. So if you ever get wrongfully charged with such a felony, you must contact Long Beach criminal lawyer to get you out of such a situation.

9.   Denver Zoo

This is the ultimate place to visit for young tourists. If you are worried about spending plenty of time visiting several places, take your kids to the Denver zoo. This way, you will rest assured that your family will have fun and you won’t have to frequently travel to different places. This zoo was initiated in the early 1800s, but by another 100 years, it needed a complete update.  Now, the Denver zoo is in its full form and is the best place for every family. The new and exciting exhibits at the Denver zoo include Primate Panorama, predator ridge, tropical discovery, etc. Today, the Denver zoo is amongst the most popular tourist attractions in the city and generates massive revenue for the state. Usually, this zoo is flocked with families throughout the year, so it is best if you can visit it in the wee hours of the morning.

10.   Larimer Square

The perfect example of the urban touch in Denver city is Larimer square. You will be startled to know that it has buildings from the Civil war period. Back in the 1970s, Larimer Square became the first-ever historic district in the city. This area houses art galleries, gas lamps, shops, restaurants, and a lot more. This place is flocked with tourists throughout the day who love to shop the souvenirs. Secondly, if you are fond of live entertainment, this place will help you get it all. If you don’t know, this place is also known by the masses because Buffalo Bill lived here at one time. So when planning a trip to all the other places mentioned above, don’t forget Larimer Square.


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What to do if You’re Charged with a Hit and Run

Car accidents happen on a daily basis in enormous numbers all around the world. These occur mostly due to some unlucky driver’s negligence and make them pay hefty fines for their fault. Sometimes both drivers can be at fault, or an accident can be just an accident, and no one is to blame. However, if not both, one party always has to pay somehow for the damages and injuries caused to others. The same is the case of a hit and run. 

A vehicular accident can be a straining happening in itself, sometimes causing permanent harms of death or criminal conviction. Charges for arrest thrown on an individual of a crime they didn’t commit or did so unintentionally can be the worst of instances. There are many ways a driver at the scene of an accident be blamed for the fault, and the worst can be hit and run. Hence, once you’re charged with a crime like this, getting away from the substantial penalties and sentences should be your main priority. 

It’s never pretty to be marked with a hit and run charge as it can be hard to prove yourself innocent of such crimes. A hit and run is a charge that is applied to a driver due to their conduct of behavior at the scene of the accident or injury of a pedestrian. This charge can be absurd most times as it occurs with the speculations of the law enforcers arriving on the scene later. 

Follow on through the guide below on clearing a hit and run charge for an accident involving your vehicle and deem insurance compensation efficiently:

Several Ways of a Hit and Run happening 

A hit and run charge can be pasted on an individual more complicatedly than for a collision of cars. Apparently, there are several other ways one can commit a hit and run, and not all have to involve a vehicle, even a driver. A hit and run is achieved when two cars collide, and one leaves the scene after causing damage. Other ways it can play out are hitting a stationary vehicle, a pedestrian, property, bicyclist, and more. If a passenger at the time convinces the driver to move from the crime scene without alarming the authorities or takes the wheel for the driver, they can also be convicted of the crime. 

Charges of the Crime

The real concern for a person charged with a crime is the penalties that come with it if they aren’t able to prove innocent in court. It’s essential to know at least what you may have to go through if you end up adhering to the penalties by any slip-up or inconsistency in your statements. Charges for a hit and run natured crime are severe mostly. The severity of your case may depend on the fact of which state you live in and what the rules are there. 

For some offense as causing death due to the collision in the hit and run, you can be charged with a felony crime. A felony offense has severe penalties and longer sentences for any crime. For a lighter degree of hit and run, a misdemeanor is assigned, which consists of half the sentence a felony can be. Make sure to always check the laws and charges of both felony and misdemeanor in your state to know what your next step needs to be and how you can decrease your penalty if not diminishing it. 

Be careful Not to Make False Statements

False or wrongly examined charges are dangerous to deal with. You cannot show signs of guilt nor become too defensive about letting the court and law enforcers make judgments. You can help your case a big deal if you be more careful and avoid being in too much of the police’s spotlight for a while. These are just a few things you must do to ensure that your case doesn’t get more complicated than it is:

If you were slightly to blame for the accident that occurred before fleeing the scene, the consequences could be made worse by presenting false statements for it. When the police officers ask you questions on the charge, validate yourself to only answer with facts and simple answers like yes or no. 

It can be hard to maintain your cool in the interrogation and be extremely calm for an average person but is needed for that duration when an officer is breathing down your throat. Moreover, covering up your faults or any vital aspect of the case will only turn your charge into a more serious one and make you accountable for more than one crime. 

Turn Yourself In

In any way, if you start to feel guilty for evading the scene of the accident for good enough reason, turning yourself can be a destructive move. The police officers will assume the accident your fault and use it as evidence in court. This is also not recommended as the other party could easily get out of the criminal case without any penalties if they were at fault too, in case you are the first to take the blame. 

Feel Guilty

No matter what, don’t let yourself get guilt-tripped by anyone or yourself for evading the crime scene. Feeling guilty can make you weak in front of the authorities when you are being questioned and make you admit to faults immediately. This is also not good for your court case as you could blurt out some negative things about the case and destroy your reputation. 

Be the One to Call the Authorities

When an accident happens, either the parties involved or one of the bystanders tend to call the authorities to the scene to make out fault. Hence, if you have already evaded the scene, you are technically not responsible for contacting the police to arrive. You must also not inform them about the incident when you have already fled; the officers can arrest you immediately if you do. It’s best to let someone at the scene handle contacting the authorities and providing the scenario. 

Talk to Anyone 

Once you flee the crime scene due to an emergency or other reasons, refrain from making conversation with anybody about the crime. You may feel the urge to tell about it to someone to relieve the burden, but it’s good for the lowest number of people to know what happened. If a person turns out to be your enemy or a “righteous” person, they could turn you in after relaying your story to the police. So stay safe from such malicious people and letting anything out on social media as well. 

Should I Get A Divorce? 7 Signs of a Troubled Marriage

When you finally marry a person you love your world suddenly becomes different and everything appears better than it is. You feel happy all the time, and it seems like that this feeling will last forever. But life is not a fairy tale, and things do change with time. When a marriage starts to age, sometimes couples come closer emotionally, but other times, they just grow apart. At some point in your marriage, you will find yourself at a stage where your partner’s few bad traits will start bothering you and vice versa. When this happens, most couples start fighting regularly, and there will always be some sort of disagreement between them. If this is happening to you, then it is a sign that your marriage is not going in the right direction.

If you find yourself in a marriage where both you and your partner are just going through the motions, then you need to do something about it. If both of you are suffocating, then there is no need for both of you to suffer anymore. It is understandable that ending a marriage is not an easy decision, and most of the time, you will want to make it work somehow. It is hard to imagine your life without the person you are in love with or once loved. But if things are affecting both of you mentally and physically, then getting a divorce is the right thing to do. If you are unsure whether your marriage has become troubling or it is just a phase, you can look for these signs to evaluate your marriage. 

Always Criticizing Each Other

If you guys are at a stage where you keep criticizing each other for the smallest of the things, then it is a clear sign that your marriage is not working out. If your partner is criticizing you a little, then it is healthy because constructive criticism can actually strengthen your bond. However, if you criticize each other just because you feel annoyed, then you are being unfair to each other and yourself. Research shows that if the criticism in your relationship exceeds the compliments, then it is becoming unhealthy. If you have had a negative interaction with your partner, you need at least five compliments or positive interactions to negate it. So, analyze your relationship, and if you see troubling signs, then it can mean your marriage is not working out.

The Argument Loop

Another sign that your marriage is becoming troubling is that you argue about the same things with your partner over and over again. It does not matter what kind of arguments you are constantly getting into; if it’s becoming a habit, then it is not healthy for either of you. An argument itself is not a bad thing. In fact, couples who argue more are likely to stay together for a longer time period. When you argue in a relationship, it helps you get your frustration out, and that can calm down both you and your partner. It is widely considered as a healthy behavior in any relationship. However, if the argument you are having is the same argument you had the last month and three months before that, then it is not a good thing at all. When such a thing happens, it means that you are not going to find any middle ground. As a result, you will start communicating less with each other after every argument.

You Stopped Having Sex

Now do not get this one wrong. In every relationship, there is a time where both the partners just do not want to have sex. Taking off your partner’s clothes and getting into bed with them is not something you will enjoy daily. But these are small time periods, and you will have a good time with your partner from time to time. However, if you have not engaged sexually despite both of you being healthy and sexually active, then there is a much bigger problem here. This problem itself is not about sex but is about emotions. It means that you do not have that emotional intimacy anymore and are missing the romance you once had. When that link is broken, it can become hard for both of you to have engaged sexually. According to Social Psychology and Personality Science that a happy couple engages in sex at least once a week. If they are not, then there is definitely something wrong there.

You Don’t Like Spending Time with Each other

If you are constantly running away from your partner and do not want to be alone with them, then it is a huge red flag. You need to do some introspection and see whether you still like spending time with your partner, or would you rather be out with a friend? If the answer is the latter, then it means that the connection you once had is now lost, and you don’t communicate the way you once used to. If your partner feels the same and both of you have started to ignore each other more, then there is no point for both of you to suffer. You should talk about this like mature people and consider divorce as an option. You can also reach out to an experienced Los Angeles Divorce Attorney who can help you see things clearly and will help you through the process of divorce.

You Keep Secrets from Each Other

Another indication that your marriage is becoming troubling is that you have started to keep secrets from your partner or vice versa. There is nothing wrong with keeping a few things to yourself for your peace of mind or for your partner’s betterment. However, if you started to keep secrets that you should not, then it is a clear sign that you are drifting away from each other. For example, you went out to dinner with a friend or colleague who finds you attractive or spending money on something you promised you would not. When these things start happening, it means that you do not want your partner to lash out on small things. It also means that you do not trust them enough anymore and are not sure how they will react to it.

Your partner is not The First Person You Turn to

If you are in a healthy and successful marriage, your partner will always be your go-to person. It does not matter whether you are going through a bad time or you have just received good news; your partner will be the first to know. You might share it with your family and friends as well immediately, but the way you will discuss it with your partner, you would not discuss it with anyone else. And the same thing goes for your partner as well. When they have to share something, you would be the first person they will call. After all, your partner is your support, and you will always share the bad and good news with them first. However, if this has changed with you and your partner and you do not tell each other things immediately, then it means you don’t care for each other as much as you used to.

You Fantasize About Having an Affair

Let’s get one thing out of the way; it does not matter how much you love your person and how attractive they are. Once you get married, it does not mean that you would stop finding other people attractive. Both of you will find other people attractive because that’s basic human nature. However, finding someone attractive is one thing but fantasizing about being with them is another thing. If you feel like you want to have an affair with a person you find attractive, then it is wrong and is a sign that you are not satisfied with your marriage. This is not something that you will do intentionally; you will just start feeling attracted to another friend or colleague and will desire to have a physical relationship with them. 

How to Save Your Marriage?

If you are able to identify more than one of the signs mentioned above in your marriage, then it can be troubling. When your marriage has become this damaged, it is hard to come back from it. You both can try to work things out on your own, but you will only be forcing yourselves into it. However, if you only see a few signs and think that your marriage can be saved, then you should start working on it immediately. You can begin by confronting your partner and explaining the entire situation to them. If you feel that your problems are not solving even after that, you can consider marriage counseling. This will allow you to dish out things, and the counselor can help you see things that both of you are unable to. A marriage therapist never takes sides and helps a couple see both narratives. They will help you understand your partner’s perspective, which can be great for your marriage. They can also help you reignite the love you once had for each other

Criminal Assault – making sense of all those laws

Getting charged with an assault wrongfully is a common thing to happen nowadays. The occurrence of assault and violence against weaker individuals is so frequent that blame can be placed on anyone having a close connection to it. Although the one that is blamed is often at fault and the criminal needs to be punished for their crimes, most times, the wrong person is put under the laws’ hold. And several innocent people have been convicted this way for severe to minor assault crimes either due to made-up evidence or false judgments of the law enforcers.

Hence, if you have been ever blamed for an assault or could be in the future, you must be well prepared to defend your case against a jury. The charges of a sexual or another assault can be severe in most severe degrees and can make up last in jail for several years. Even if the charges are proven wrong, you will have to succumb to court hearings and pay hefty legal fees to remove the tab. Not to mention the finger-pointing and hate you can get along the way. 

Nothing is impossible in this world, and the law can be bent in both ways. Thus you can easily turn a case around the blame on a false victim for putting the charge down on you. But first, you must get acknowledged on some of the terms and types of assaults carried out by wrongdoers and their penalties. The following guide has all you need to know to avoid a wrongful assault conviction:

What is an Assault?

The terms assault, harassment, and similar to these are often used incorrectly. These can also be used by a person who wants to take their frustrations out on a person for a non-offensive conduct of theirs and end up putting them in danger. Some so-called activists can also use these terms to blame people for never committing any crime. Basically, an assault is a threat an offensive person sends to a victim that can either be with physical contact, weapons, or no contact at all. 

Some people keep taking insolences from harsh mannered people in the form of verbal abuse and not report it thinking of it not as assault. Various degrees of verbal threatening can be marked as assault and provided a penalty to the wrongdoer. 

So if you ever get charged with an assault offense, make sure that you hadn’t conducted a verbal spat with the person. If you claim innocence to their claims, you could be proved wrong if they come up with evidence of the spat in court. Also, if someone reports you without any evidence or proof of assault but provides just a statement that you could conduct it in the future is not enough for making a conviction. Assault can initially be categorized into two categories of civil assault and criminal assault; however, their features are almost the same, and only a few things can make the jury rule them apart. 

Assault, Battery, and Aggravated Assault 

As mentioned before, assault can be of different types and occur in various forms, and be mixed up with other abbreviations. Subsequently, terminologies like aggravated assault and battery or self-defense are mixed up with a simple assault. Confusing these terms can be dangerous while in court or talking to a law enforcer. Things can get elevated if a simple assault case is marked as battery and make the authorities take stricter actions against the convicted. For this reason, everyone must know how to score an assault to properly get it administered as a crime or remove the charge. A reliable Sacramento criminal lawyer can also be hired to understand these terms and intensities of assault cases. 

An assault happens when a person, without the victim’s consent, makes contact or applies force. This can also be a without contact and through gestures and clear statements of the predator to harm the victim in the future. 

As for battery, it differs from assault as only the threat is made with an assault and carried out with a battery. Under a battery offense, the charged is faced with evidently placing harm on the victim of which they had intended. At the same time, an aggravated assault is the form of gruesome assault inflicted on a person where they have been injured or inflicted violence on heavily also in a sexual way. The victim is severely hurt or near death to rule the case an aggravated crime. 

Types of Assault 

Apart from the densely defined terms mentioned above, assault can be of other various types. As the act of threatening and harming a person can happen in so many ways, there can be no one way to mark the blame on the inflictor to identify their penalty. For this reason, the following are some usual occurring assault charges that have differing punishments for each:


A simple assault can be as simple as a verbal spat or a high offense as inflicted violence. Although a simple assault may sound like nothing but can make the charged suffer from complex court processes and prison time. For even the slightest type of simple assault carried out by anyone, diverse consequences and jail time should be expected. 


It’s evident that a sexual assault happens due to the forceful touching of a person without consent. This can be carried out by the criminal contacting any part of a victim’s body without their permission or the course of rape being conducted on the weak individual. The court is the end judgment of whether the crime happened or not, and to rule out the forced contact. The evidence is needed with an explanation of the situation it occurred and the body part that was touched along with several other aspects. 


An assault carried out by a weapon is a hybrid offense that has far worse penalties than a simple assault. This kind of assault often includes harm done to another person’s body with the weapons used in the act. Even if no damage was done but was intended, the attack can be ruled as a felony assault and made into a court case. 

Sexual Assault with Weapons 

This assault combines both a sexual assault with the use of weapons and is a higher offense than most types. This violation can be ruled out due to the perpetrator carrying an assault and intending to make sexual contact without consent. Also, if the person has threatened to touch the victim with a weapon and went ahead, it will be causing a battery. 

Degrees of assault 

There are many degrees to an assault by which just conviction and penalty can be appointed on the perpetrator to be carried out. The court and jury are to define the intensity of an assault by determining the degree to them. Hence, when being dragged in an assault crime, one should know the intensity of their crime by understanding the different degrees it can take listed below:

Class A

Above the felony area of assault cases are misdemeanors that contain lesser penalties and fines as they are carried out in less harmful ways. And as the degrees of various misdemeanors go, there are two classes that define the case’s intensity. Under a Class A misdemeanor assault, a person has intentionally inflicted harm on another to cause bodily injuries. The one blamed for the crime can be anyone, even a spouse with the right amount of evidence. This case can put the predator in jail for a year with a high fine of about $4000, depending on the state.

Class C

Before class A comes a class C misdemeanor assault that is of the lowest intensity of assaults. This involves the inflictor having made physical contact with the victim when it was evident that it wasn’t allowed. The penalty for the case is a small fine warning and no jail time. 

First Degree Felony

A first-degree felony assault is the highest level of assault committed by a person or charged with. To be blamed for this degree of assault, a person must have conducted an aggravated assault consisting of heavy injuries or murdering an individual. If there was a use of a weapon to harm an individual, it could also be classified under first-degree assault. For committing a first degree of felony assault, a person can go to jail for a few years to life. The fine to be paid is also as high as $10.000. 

Second Degree Felony Assault

After the first degree with a felony, a crime is marked as a second degree with having lesser violence used and no death through. Carrying out a second-degree felony can include the use of weapons or bodily harm. A second-degree felony assault sentence can range from 3 to 20 years in prison, depending on the severity. The fine is the same as that of a first-degree felony assault.

Third Degree Felony Assault

A third-degree felony assault charge was carried out by pressure to the victim’s breathing system. With substantial proof, the case can make the inflictor experience penalty with maximum jail time of 10 years.

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Top Tips for Redecorating Your Teenager’s Bedroom

There comes a time in most teenagers’ lives when they have an urge to change their rooms and feel the need to leave their childhood behind. As a parent, it can be hard to let this happen, but it’s something you should consider allowing, even if it means having a room of your house plastered in band posters for a couple of years! Here are some tips that should help you along the way.

Refurnish According to Trends

Updating your teenager’s furniture is a good first step to redecorating their room. This is where they will be spending quite a large proportion of their time for the coming years, so their room should be somewhere comfortable and enjoyable.

Getting them a desk is a good start. They will most likely need this for school at some point, and it is nice for them to have somewhere private to do their work. Stores like Kohl’s have plenty of furniture options that are suitable for bedrooms no matter what style you are going for. Take a look through Kohls discount coupons to find them some great new items for discounted prices. This way, you won’t have to splash out too much but you will still keep them happy. 

Change Up the Walls  

One prominent element of becoming a teenager is self-expression. For one of the first times in their life, your child will probably feel grown up enough to truly start expressing themselves, and they are going to want to find different ways they can do this. One way is through their bedroom and in particular, through changing the color of their walls and through putting up posters on their walls. 

You probably know your child better than anyone else does, so why not give them a few color suggestions to think about before committing to the whole room? Ask your child about their interests, in terms of bands, art and styles, so you can get to know what they like before buying them posters and wall decorations. 

Use Storage Boxes

One practical, but nonetheless very important side of redecorating your teenager’s bedroom, is thinking realistically about where everything should go. They may be going through a phase where they do not care for their childhood possessions, but you should definitely keep these for them to look back on in later life. 

Investing in some storage boxes to fit under their bed is a great way to store loved items without creating too much clutter. This also means that they don’t have to commit to throwing things away – rather, they can store them until they want to bring them back out. Teenagers are pretty well known for being messy, so any way you can prevent this is great. 

Having somewhere that teenagers can happily spend some time by themselves is really important, so you should try and support their desires with regard to room decorations as much as possible. Doing this together can be a really fun bonding activity too and you can make it into a mini project, taking photographs of before and after. 

What to Expect from a DUI Attorney

Getting arrested for a DUI case may not feel like a big thing once it happens to anyone. People tend to take traffic rules lightly many times, thinking that they can get away with petty crimes easily. Also, once drunk, a person can lose consciousness to drive appropriately and create unrepairable damages to people or property. The consequences of such mistakes are mostly far more damaging than a simple arrest and court hearing. A DUI can be of different degrees, and if convicted more than one time, a person can suffer more extensive sentences each time. 

A DUI can be a nuisance to deal with once arrested for. After the arrest, you may be placed in jail for the time you aren’t bailed or presented before a preliminary hearing or trial. A trial is what takes place after you’re charged with a DUI or a preliminary hearing where the jury can decide whether the case is trial worthy or not depending on the evidence against you. DUI penalties can also vary from case to case, but most of them can include a fine, jail time, license eviction or suspension, community service, and more. 

After you test negative for being under the influence, you’re taken by the police and brought to a cell. You may also be interrogated for your actions and go through more tests to confirm the doubt. However, to avoid these sessions, you have a right to an attorney but the law and can have a lawyer answer questions for you and make critical decisions while also informing you of the intensity of your crimes. 

But just any or a family lawyer won’t do with a specific DUI case; you need an attorney who can support you through all complications with the best of their expertise. This is why you need to look at the guide below on DUI lawyers to hire the best for your case and get what you require in them:

Do You Need an Attorney?

A DUI attorney can be a big help in your case, especially if it’s a confirmed one and includes complications. If your charge is a confirmed DUI by field sobriety tests, you will need a lawyer to help you get through turning the case void. It would be best if you never went alone at gaining innocence for a crime you’re responsible for as a slight slip up can end your chances or create further complications. You may also not have the expertise of a good DUI lawyer to create strategic moves in the court and present defenses to eliminate or reduce your case charges. 

But not all cases can be that intense when it comes to driving under the influence. You won’t have to look for an expensive DUI attorney for a crime you did not commit and was wrongfully convicted of; you will be proved not guilty due to insufficient proof in court anyway. 

Why You Need to Hire a Lawyer

Legal representation is important for any person convicted of a crime as soon as they are arrested and fear the possibility of a sentence. After an arrest, you’re not only convicted for your crimes and fined for them, but your life could change entirely, and you can be seen as a bad influence in society. Your future can depend on how you’re evicted in the court trials and what judgment you receive. This can be one fairly fundamental reason for hiring a DUI lawyer for your case, and the rest are below:


A lawyer’s opinion of your case can be the golden advice to save you from the dire setbacks a DUI can have. The laws around all offenses keep changing and evolving, making it challenging to keep up. For this reason, the best advice you can get is from your lawyer, who has complete knowledge of present and past laws and can advise the best outcome for a simple to a complicated case. 

Help in Trial

Inexperience is never appreciated everywhere. The same can happen when you are to represent yourself in the court in front of a serious and committed jury and judge. These people strictly need answers and definite evidence to end a case with a ruling rapidly. As they have other more severe cases to deal with, the people of a court can try and get rid of you soon if they don’t see an attorney or sufficient information with you to fight with. This is why a lawyer is needed to help you get through a trial without complications and conclude the hearing by pleading not guilty.

After Judgement

You can never know what the outcomes of a not so simple DUI crime turn out to be and if you get to remove the charge entirely or not. Many times the penalty is only reduced to a minimum, and that can also include license eviction. Hiring a lawyer can be of help even after the case has ended with a conviction. They can work towards gathering information to reduce your sentence and help you through some education programs that advantage you acquire insurance and your driver’s license back quickly along with several other duties.

Qualities of a Good Lawyer

Even though you need an attorney urgently after being convicted of a DUI offense, anyone you land on will not ‘THE’ lawyer for your case. A good lawyer may or may not be located in a well-established office and have plenty of years of experience. There are some aspects that separate good lawyers from corrupt ones. And if you have just a little bit of experience in hiring a lawyer, you will know the difference. 

A reliable lawyer should always be humble to talk to and communicate clearly. Moreover, the professional should also not demand extra charges from you. It can be the first sign of a corrupt lawyer when they start a session by asking for a deposit than an explanation for your case. An inexperienced lawyer may always end a claim too soon without throwing in several defenses and previously preparing for your case. 

How to Hire the Best DUI Lawyer

Anybody charged with a crime that they did or did not commit would want salvation above anything else. And to attain it, they can do anything it takes than living a life of misery ahead. This includes hiring a proficient lawyer. Searching for a good lawyer should be one of your main headaches and objectives. 

Since a lawyer can literally handle everything on your case by themselves and do the work for you while you get peace of mind, you cannot be without one. Here are a few things that you need to do in order to catch the best fish in the ocean of DUI lawyers and win your case easily:

Ask Around

Hiring a lawyer for the first time is a big responsibility and needs special care and measures to meet the right person. This is necessary for your unique case. Hence, make sure to hire a lawyer you can trust and one who has experience. 

Choose sites that help you find reliable people and local directories for a well-known Los Angeles criminal attorney. You can also ask your friends and family for help since the DUI crime is a commonly committed and condemned crime, and someone you know may have gone through it to appoint the professional. 


Right now, there would be several questions running your mind related to the charge implanted on you, its repercussions in the future, and how the current situation can be turned into a better one. You must also have questions related to the lawyer’s experience and ask about their proficiency in these cases with backup. 

Once you step into a lawyer’s office, never hesitate to ask them the required questions all for your case. This may be the only chance you have not to let the criminal record stain your image, so make sure to make the most of it. 


Determining and providing the lawyer fees can be a headache if not decided on the initial interview. These costs can come unwarned at you if not inquired about at the beginning of the case. Make the validation to ask your lawyer for all the costs upfront and leave none to be paid later. Informing you about the expenses is necessary for your lawyer at the start than revealing the price of trial or a pre-hearing after they have been announced. 


Communication with an ethical lawyer is the key to any fruitful criminal arrest elimination. When looking for a lawyer, it’s essential to find one who you can clique with and someone who reports all the crucial updates on your case to you. You will have to make the judgment yourself, see the lawyer’s attitude, and ask how they handle phone calls from clients and the quality of their response rate. There will be several instances where you will have to make crucial decisions with your lawyer, and he/she must be up to the task and communicate the terms well with you to make informed decisions.

Get Several Quotes

When getting a service for a task as crucial as evading a criminal conviction, it won’t be harmful to be extra careful and explore all your options. Whichever state you live in, you will find several lawyers working in DUI and all with different expertise and behaviors. For this reason, you can get several quotes from altered places to get a good enough price and meet the lawyer of your needs. 

Debt Talks Episode 3: How Bad Can It Still Get?

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In this installment of #DebtTalks, we will discuss the current situation in credit markets and look at default risks and potenti…

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FEDS 2020-089: Business Exit During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Non-Traditional Measures in Historical Context

Leland D. Crane, Ryan A. Decker, Aaron Flaaen, Adrian Hamins-Puertolas, and Christopher Kurz | Given lags in official data releases, economists have studied “alternative data” measures of business exit resulting…
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Martin Wolf: On Rebuilding Trust in Uncertain Times, Pt 2

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How to Prepare for Business Reopening After Covid

Anything that the world is going with now is not entirely corona-proof, but several places have released lockdown and are letting businesses resume normal working. However, not everything is well, and it cannot, in any way, go back to how it was prior to the pandemic. The virus is still lurking in areas near public spots and recreational parts, so SOPs still need to be followed. 

In this unfamiliar and confusing situation, it can be hard to return to work as if nothing happened. Your business might have been affected by the lockdown or had to shift to becoming online. If this is the case, then your work has already changed its nature, and you may have some new ideas for it, which is good for continuing the profits and taking the business to new levels. But there will be some restrictions and stops in the future and present as well due to the altered attitudes and needs of customers and clients. 

As a business owner, you have to realize how you want to run your company in a way that can positively affect the current situation. You can make and break your own rules. So it’s best if you direct your employees towards the new normal way and create better opportunities for the firm. The first step can be analyzing the situation and then making a comprehensive plan for your company to progress fruitfully. Below are some more tips and techniques to help you through the unaccustomed order and unacquainted instances:

Things That Changed

While the news is providing certain alarming information about the virus refacing, some other resources and political figures maintain their cool about it. So it’s easy not to know what the situation is and what has changed after the lockdown. Not all businesses may be allowed to operate, so you might want to check that as well. Other than that, corresponding with the local news and public areas for social workers with useful information can help. 

You can check with the mayor or any other public figure of the state to know what has reformed in running businesses in that place. Obviously, now there will be a further need to maintain your business’s cleanliness and follow strict guidelines and SOPs not to have the company be shut down as soon as it opens. As a business owner, you will also need to stay on top of any legal changes and requirements needed for businesses. 

How You Should Change

Evaluating the latest pandemic situation and emotions of the vast public, you need to make crucial decisions to change some things around in the business. This can be anything from employee leaves to reversing the business’s identity and idea to meet people’s expectations. You will need to think in your customers’ shoes and know their insecurities and troubles due to the overwhelming situation. Whatever your business’s nature is, you need to identify how you can help customers relax and choose your firm to relieve and comfort. 

Your business may have been disturbed by the shutting down during the lockdown phase and maybe vulnerable yourself, but it can help to put your customers still first. For this, you’ll have to ask yourself some important questions like what is needed from your business after the pandemic? How is it affecting your employees and customers to visit your store physically now? Will transitioning to physical change things from online again? Make sure to answer all the questions that come to your mind and face them all to make informed decisions that positively affect people. 

Making SOPs and Abiding Them

Deciding to reopen your brick and mortar store for employees to spend entire days and customers to visit can be a big responsibility that it doesn’t become a house of virus for anyone. Thus once reopened, you will have to oversee total cleanliness and sterilization of it. Make sure to request cleaners to go the extra mile with making the place spick and span. Adopt all the SOPs and help customers to abide by them as well by providing masks and sanitizers. 

Add the coronavirus SOPs to your standard policies and make the terms for entering apparent for your customers with clear signs and disclaimers. Prepare to deal with angry customers that refuse to go with the SOPs and find a better solution for them without creating a controversy every time. Have emergency contacts handy and a nearby medical practice informed to report any virus case immediately. 

Mend the Damage

It’s evident that every business had been affected by the storm of lockdown and pandemic spread. In this time, you may have experienced some setbacks that made the trade go back in time. Or it created some weak points that need to be mended in the company. You will need to take a complete analysis of the place and identify the damage and weak points from now on. Also, see where your business still stands strong and use those parts most to engage with customers and provide to them fully. 

Create a Plan for Reopening with a Blast

The main thing right now that you need to take care of is planing for the reopening and making all the necessary preparations to be ready for people to come to your business. There need to be several steps taken towards reviewing your previous plans for the company as the lockdown must have destroyed them to an extent. There will be a lot to do and many decisions to make for bringing your business back. Start with the following:

Generate new Projects

It’s ok that your business’s previously planned projects didn’t make it into play; you will have to move on for now and not look into the past as a failure. Now, relating to your business’s condition and to help it operate even in the event of a second wave and lockdown, prepare foolproof projects and ideas. You can add a new division to your business that can work remotely, or that can help your business keep going under all circumstances.

Run New Ideas Quickly

As soon your policies are complete, and the rules and regulations are understood with new ideas to run the firm, don’t waste any time putting them into action. Make a hierarchy for things to commence in order of the most necessary. These are important to administer as soon as the firm reopens to start processes quickly and not waste money on slow progressions. 

Make all your departments aware of their duties they need to complete to run the business profitably onwards and assign department heads specific dates to get things done. This is necessary so that if and when the lockdown strengthens again, your firm can be fully operating till then. 

Be Prepared 

The need to start up a whole company again and run things from the beginning can be a big task. For implementing this in time, there needs to be specific preparations that ignite the speed of things. Make sure that you have enough resources at hand and more to do the groundwork. It would be best if you also were prepared to adhere to any and all changes in conducting businesses that don’t make you fall short of essential things. 

Take Care of Extended Legal Liabilities

Every business has rules and regulations concerning employees, conduct, customers, and everything that goes under. Hence, with the changes in safety liabilities and practices, different states have intensified some things around cleanliness and following COVID SOPs. For this reason, you will have to retake a look at your policies and make the necessary changes to abide by the law. You can hire any reliable Los Angeles criminal lawyer for this purpose and get help from them to know about all the latest regulations you need to add to your policies. And reassess the previous guidelines to make amends and create a better workplace and service. 

Help Employees Come Back to Work

More than employers, employees would be worried about the reopening of their workplaces, and while some may feel relieved, others may hesitate to go back. Employees who hadn’t earned enough to make up for expenses in the lockdown will need sustenance now. However, those with families will worry if the place can be safe for them to go back to. 

As the employer, you may have to do some consoling and provide some employees what they need, including a safe place to work against the pandemic and better pays. Require them to follow the policies strictly and make the site safe for themselves and others. If you had to let go of some employees, you can reach out to them again and offer the same positions to help the company strengthen, and the public meets their needs in these dire times. Rehiring the let-go employees can also show your business in a good light to consumers.

Protect the Business

Before any more changes happen, securing the business operations and tasks are necessary for the business and overall requirements. Talk with an insurance agent and revisit the clauses in your insurance to further protect the firm in the new policies abiding by COVID restrictions. Create better privacy regulations for you and your employees to assess the business’s work from home facilities. Become more talkative with your customers and provide them the essence that the company is going to carry on activities and relieve their frustrations at all times. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

FEDS 2020-088: The Dynamics of Adverse Selection in Privately-Produced Safe Debt Markets

Nathan Foley-Fisher, Gary Gorton, and Stéphane Verani | Privately-produced safe debt is designed so that there is no adverse selection in trade. This is because no agent finds it profitable…
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The Next Generation of New Economic Thinkers

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How to Find the Best Personal Injury Attorney


It’s common to see people falling victim to different accidents every day. However, imagine yourself falling victim to an accident that doesn’t even involve your fault. Wouldn’t that be devastating to get into an accident that could have been prevented?, An accident that occurred due to the negligence of another party? Why should you be the one suffering alone? Many accidents are so bad that they can even make you suffer from life-altering consequences. Why should you be the one compromising for less? These are some of the questions that might come to your mind when imaging yourself in such a situation. 

So what is your role in the whole situation? You already know that right? The first thing that you should be doing is to press personal injury charges against the other party. You need to come along with a strong case otherwise there is a possibility that your claims might be rejected by the other party, and for that, you will need to hire a personal injury attorney to help you throughout the case. Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney has an apparent name in helping many personal injury victims get compensation for their losses. 

Types of Accidents that Involve Personal injury

There could be as many as thousands of accidents that can involve personal injuries. Vehicle accidents are seen on the top of the list in such cases. Motorbike riders are the ones who mostly fall victim to personal injuries, because they are more prone to dangers when being on road. Apart from that, accidents that happen at the workplace can also cause personal injuries. It is the duty of every employer to provide safe working conditions to his employees. Many employees are forced to work in dangerous working conditions that lead to many kinds of personal injuries. An employer is even bound to provide you with all the safety equipment especially if you are working at a construction site. For e.g., if your employer doesn’t provide you with safety boots and a hammer falls on your feet while working which causes fracture, you can press personal injury charges against your employer and demand for compensation. 

If you are at someone else’s house and fall from a staircase that doesn’t have railing, you can even press personal injury charges against that person. They are bound to pay you a penalty for that and cover your medical bills. Personal injury can also result from medical malpractice when doctors and nurses make mistakes while treating a patient. Birth injuries, surgery injuries, wrong medicines etc., all come under the category of personal injury. 

Many food companies often accidentally manufacture the wrong products. At times, the instructions to use a certain thing are printed wrong. These kinds of mistakes are avoidable but due to negligence can cause serious personal injuries, and even death. Companies should take special care while manufacturing the products and make sure that the instructions printed are correct. 

Above were some of the examples of accidents that can cause personal injuries. It is crucial for you to hire a lawyer in such a situation to make sure that your case is presented in the most representable way. These legal practitioners have all the knowledge of the ins and outs of the law and know how to deal with your case in the most effective way. 

Below are some ways of finding the best personal injury attorney in your area. 

Make Sure that the Attorney has Experience

Most professional lawyers have vast experience in the field of law. Let it be clear that matters related to law are case sensitive. Let’s take paperwork as an example. Paperwork related to law is critical and case sensitive. You might consider filling everything up by yourself but errors could be made that could literally blow off your case. You will need an attorney to take care of the paperwork, but if the attorney isn’t having enough experience, mistakes could be made. These mistakes could delay your case and pose a bad impression on the jury. Although you can press charges against your lawyer for wrongful handling of papers, trust me, this is just going to deviate you from the case and waste a lot of time of yours.  Check whether the attorney you are considering to hire is professional enough? Doesn’t it have vast experience in the field of law? For how many years has the attorney been in the field? Has the attorney dealt with similar cases like yours in the past? These are some important questions that you should ask and find the answers to. If the answers satisfy you, only then consider that attorney. 

Is the Attorney Charging You Reasonably? 

Hiring an attorney comes along with a huge fee tag. Although the fees charged by different attorneys may vary, you can’t expect a huge difference between the charges. For instance, it’s not possible that one attorney charges you $500 to handle a case and another one charges you $5000. You need to be very watchful of this because many lawyers abnormally charge you much higher by fooling you. Let it be clear that a professional attorney is always very particular about its repute. They wouldn’t dare to ruin your repute just for some extra bucks. All you have to do is to choose at least five attorneys and compare their rates. This will also give you an opportunity to talk to them and find out which ones best suited to you. Remember that your comfort zone matters a lot when opening up to a lawyer. There’s no point in hiring an attorney with whom you can’t even open up to discuss your case.  

Did the Attorney Promise You any Results?

Promising the results of any case is actually a trick used by attorneys to earn money. Some attorneys even charge an extra amount because they promise that the outcomes will be in your favor. Keep this in your mind that promising the outcomes of a case is considered illegal in many states. It is also against ethics regulations to make promises to someone and take advantage of their vulnerability. If you come across any attorney that promises you to win and asks an extra amount of money for that, then my friend, you really need to turn your back to it. Professional and highly reputed attorneys never do that and instead of promising the outcomes of a case, they basically ensure you that they’ll go the extra mile for you and work devotedly on your case. 

Does the Attorney Have a link with any Resources?

When pressing personal injury charges against someone, you need to gather all the proof and evidence on your case to prove that the injury, in fact, did occur. The proofs should be clear, precise, and apparent so that there stays no inch of doubt. However, it has happened many times in the past that individuals represent proofs and pieces of evidence that aren’t even clear enough, as a result of which are rejected by the court. To save yourself from a likewise situation, consider hiring an attorney that has links with many resources. You can ask the attorney if they know any doctors, detectives, or forensic lab scientists who help you with the case. If the attorney has links, this means that you can avail of services from different resources at discounted rates, or even no rates at all. Experienced attorneys have many links as they have been working in this field for years. They have already come across so many doctors and detectives. In case you are wondering why you would be needing the help of resources, these people will actually help you to find and collect the proof and evidence in the most professional way.

How much is the Attorney Available?

Your attorney is someone you can rely on. Pressing charges against someone while still going through the injury recovery can be a daunting task. It’s your attorney who is going to handle everything on your behalf. You will need to ask for constant updates from your lawyer. Staying in touch is crucial because you both have to work on the case collectively. Your lawyer should provide you with a valid phone number and an email address so that you can reach out to him from anywhere easily. Moreover, you have to check for exactly how many hours is the lawyer available to you in a day? There’s no point in hiring a lawyer who is not even available to you at the time of need. 

By keeping all the aspects and questions in mind, you can make sure that the money you are spending on the lawyer is going to be worth it. All you have to do is to carry out wide research on at least five attorneys so that you choose the best one. Don’t consider handing over your case to a lawyer who isn’t even experienced just to save a few bucks because you are only going to regret afterward. 

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Boulder’s young adults do their part to stop the spread of COVID-19

The young adults (18-22 years old) in Boulder have shown their commitment to the wellbeing of all residents by reducing their gathering size in order to slow the spread of COVID-19, per Public Health Order 2020-08. Due to their diligence, they are now able to return to the same gathering sizes as all other Boulder County residents.

“We are so grateful to every young adult who made sacrifices to follow the gathering order,” said Jeff Zayach, Boulder County Public Health executive director. “Don’t let up! Cases are rising across age groups throughout the state.”

While young adults can return to the same gathering levels as the rest of Boulder County – gatherings of 10 or fewer non-household members – this is a vital time with new cases rising throughout the state. Violations of public health orders related to gatherings will be strictly enforced and additional testing will be provided for CU Boulder students living off-campus.

The change in levels is based on metrics identified by risk level including 14-day average new cases per 100,000 among individuals aged 18- to 22-years-old in Boulder County, test positivity percentage, and consistent testing among the age group. Metrics for the young adult levels are monitored daily and reported weekly. The decision to move levels is decided and announced by Boulder County Public Health on Tuesdays by 11 a.m. each week. Any changes in restrictions goes into effect at noon on the Tuesday they’re announced.

Full details about the Public Health Gathering Order and the different levels of gathering is available at

Due to the unprecedented crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, BRIO has dedicated 100% of their operations to importing critically needed respirator masks. Featuring a 3D comfort design, these KN95 masks provide filtration against particulate pollution, gases, as well as bacteria, viruses, and most odors. It’s made with comfortable stretch fabric and has convenient earloops for a tight fit. These masks are perfect for everyday wear. Order your 5-Pack now!

  • 3D Comfort mask design
  • Convenient earloop design
  • Comfortable stretch fabric for tight fit
  • Easy to put on & remove

Note: These masks are not FDA approved nor are they N95. These masks are tested to meet the standards for Chinese KN-95. Tests confirmed almost 90% of particulate pollution, bacteria and viruses were successfully filtered when the mask was used. 20x more effective than cloth masks.


  • Color: white
  • Materials: 3-layer melt-blown non-woven PPE
  • Product dimensions: 1″H x 8″L x 5″W
  • 3D Comfort design
  • KN95 PRC Standard (Similar to NIOSH N95)
  • CE 0194
  • FFP2 – EN149 Filtration Level

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Profits Over Human Life? ER Doctor’s Story is Fearful Lesson for U.S. Workers During Pandemic

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How to Handle Insurance Claim Denial


Health insurance can be a nuisance with hefty receipts and annoying updates to keep it running. But without it, there is no guarantee of healthy life or large deposits from your own pocket, not leaving for sudden injuries or life-threatening situations. It helps you go through big health problems and inevitable accidents in life. With better plans, you can get more covered and use the coverage for most of your and your family’s health treatments. 

So when you are going on with treatment and suddenly get a call of your health insurance getting denied, everything can fall out of place. This can be hard for you as you search for answers to the denial when everything was going normally. The denial can stop your medical treatment in the middle and cause more complications than needed. However, this isn’t uncommon and happens to a significant population of people. 

At the moment when you get the information on your claim getting under the bridge preventing your medical treatment in the process, the world can feel like coming to an end. But there are solutions to every problem in this world, and to this denial problem as well. The following guide is for anyone who has been denied health insurance in the middle of treatment or for not using it recently:

Health Insurance Denial

Health insurance is a helpful and needed thing to not be without; however, when one ends without prior notice to you or in the middle of getting a vital prescription covered by it, things can become difficult. The thing with health insurance denials is that out of the blue, you get a call by the provider that your coverage has been canceled with or without further explanation. 

Getting your health insurance back is very much possible with a few calls and well-written appeals. However, things can get complicated if the reason behind it is complex. For this reason, knowing why your insurance got canceled in the first place is necessary to understand how you can go about appealing to get it back. 

Reasons to be denied

Health insurances coverages are reliable programs for people to make their lives and maintaining health easier. It is one of the good things in life. But once denied, appealing for the policy to return can be a long process. You must start quickly once you receive the notification of the term ending your medical procedures with it. The first step is to know why your term need, including one of the reasons, displayed below:

Lapsed Coverage

When you call your doctor or insurer to ask about the reason your coverage ended without your consent, they may give you the explanation of lapsed insurance. This can happen due to the mistake of the insurance company, which is seldom. It can also be due to your doctor providing your treatment information to the wrong insurance company where you had coverage before. 

The incident could be negligence of yours as well if you forgot to pay for the premiums or didn’t know the end of your cover. You can correct this by inquiring about the insurance company about your plan and if it still is in play or not. 

Medical treatment Deemed Unnecessary

Many times insurance companies make their own diagnoses of whether some medical treatments can be covered and cannot. And they can also deny your coverage for some treatments after suddenly changing their policies. If this happens, you will have to get the help of your doctor and other authorities like a lawyer to make a correction with the insurance company to continue with your treatment as it is valid and needed. 

Clerical Error

This can happen when you’re filling your insurance coverage that a mistake by the insurance worker is made on your application that makes it end sooner than needed. If the policy was provided by the place where you work, they might have also made such a mistake to cause the denial to happen. If you identify that this could be the problem, you can ask a service representative to check if errors were indeed made or not. 

No Doctor Authorization 

Often vast medical procedures need the authorizations of related doctors that are also recognized and named. If you ask for coverage of a medical course or prescription without a doctor’s consent, your claim can get denied immediately. Or if you had made an authorization with your doctor, but the health care professional made the mistake of not doing the task entirely, the denial can go through. 

It also can happen when the doctor was unauthorized to start with, and the insurance company couldn’t identify them. This can be solved with a good health professional’s referral and by asking them to solve the denial problem. 

Tips to get it Applied

A denied insurance coverage can fruitfully be turned back to help you get through a medical procedure needed immediately or in the future. Make a move instantaneously to inform your insurance policy on your medical needs and appeal for a denied claim to get accepted in the following ways:

Call Some People

The first thoughts that run through your mind when your insurance gets canceled out of nowhere can be of confusion and desolation. It will help make the necessary calls to the people associated with your insurance coverage and ongoing medical procedure, including your doctor, insurance firm, and/or employer. Calling your doctor and insurance firm can help you understand why the coverage was omitted and what you can do to renew it. If your workplace registered the insurance, there could be some important things you can learn about its denial by calling your employer or the HR department.  

Write an Appeal Letter

To get a denied insurance approved again by the company, you must make an appeal as soon as possible. The appeal letter can make the organization get the information about your problem and work to understand why it happened. You may get a notification of the reason, solution for the issue, and time it can take to reverse from the company as a reply. 

This can be called an internal appeal that is provided to the insurance firm for it to handle the claim internally. An external appeal can also be filed if the problem isn’t solved inside the company with the help of external representatives, a doctor, and the decision is also made by a third party. 

Keep Applying After Denial

There is a big chance that your appeal gets bounced back and even the external appeal denied several times by the insurance. These instances can happen either due to the exhaustion of appeal by the company or insufficient information from you. In this mayhem, you will have not to give up and keep trying by reapplying so that after many reapplications, your frim accepts your claim. 

If this doesn’t work, you can get the service from different government programs in your state. Another solution can be involving the federal court for accepting your appeals. You can hire an Insurance Denial Attorney for this matter to produce a good enough case for the courts to pass through. 

Get References

Bringing in the support of various influential agencies can help strengthen your appeal a lot. The references and advocates of certain well-named doctors and health care facilities can help you reverse the denial. If you reach out to some social workers as well, they can help give their name and make the insurance firm reconsider their decision on your disclaimer. 

Make sure to engage with these people through references as well and request them politely to help you in the process. Make your medical need transparent to a reliable social worker so they can help you to the fullest when possible. 

Store Information of the Application and Denial

When reapplying for the appeal or getting a third party to fight your denial case for you, it can help to gather information related to your medical treatment. This can be a second opinion or a research item by a research practice that identifies the medical procedure you need by the firm. Suppose the reason for your denial was something else than the unrecognized medical system by the insurance firm. In that case, you can journal all the details and misconduct, if any, by the firm and provide the information to your lawyer or any other facility working for your coverage appeal. 

Take a Look at the Policy Again 

At the same time as going through the appeal and making phone calls to your insurance firm, make sure to have a look at what your policy says about coverages and the end of the claim. The denial of coverage may be due to your policy not covering the medical treatment your applying for. It can also be due to a violation made by you in accessing the coverages or not paying the premiums on time. If it’s due to the fees not being paid, make sure to do it first and then ask your insurance firm to renew the policy.

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What Happens when you file a Successful Workers’ Compensation Claim  

 There are many complexities associated with workers’ compensation benefits. This means that you could lose your right to receive the benefits if you fail to meet specific deadlines. Suppose you want to benefit from the advantages of workers’ comp. In that case, you will have to report the injury that occurred at your workplace. That being said, specific deadlines need to be met for a successful filing of workers’ compensation claims.

Read on to learn more about specific rules that must be followed by the workers for a successful workers’ comp claim.

Domestic Workers: depending on which state you work or reside, individual states do not require coverage for workers’ comp who are private employees. These domestic workers might be working as nannies, caretakers, or housekeepers. Nonetheless, other states might exclude part-time domestic workers. Then some states exclude gardeners and workers who perform the refurnishing oh homes from the workers’ comp coverage.

Temporary Employees: if you are a temporary employee of a company injured while being part of a temporary assignment. Then you can benefit from the workers’ compensation only if your injury is work-related. However, it is for the state to decide who ought to be held responsible. It might be a particular employer of the work agency. Often, temporary employees are considered workers of the agency and the employer. This means that it will be required to decide who will be taking responsibility for paying the anticipated benefits to the injured employee, the employer, or the agency?

Farm Workers: various states exclude farm workers from workers’ comp claims. Often, these exemptions are applied to the workers of smaller farms. Like Texas, other states include farmers and workers associated with agriculture, such as seasonal labourers and migrants in the benefits of workers’ compensation claims.

Undocumented Workers: one of the most crucial questions is the status of the rights of immigrants who have no legal status but are working nonetheless. Many states grant such immigrant workers a right to file for workers’ compensation benefits if they get injured or meet an accident at their workplace. The states of California, Florida, and Texas, for instance, have agreed to cover the rights of undocumented employees. This part of American law is specifically evolving. However, if you are an undocumented immigrant and work at a specifically exposed job to risks. This could include working at a construction site. You might want to know the state laws. This is specifically important as some undocumented workers are excluded from the workers’ comp claims in some states. That being said, it is essential to know one’s rights before joining a job. The knowledge will come in handy in case of accident or injury at the workplace.

Here is what you can do in case you have an accident at your workplace:

Suppose you meet a work-related accident or injury while working your shift, and your employer has refused your claims. He might also refute your eligibility to receive anticipated benefits from your right to workers’ compensation. Here is what you ought to do: contact a workers’ comp attorney straight away. Consulting a lawyer, such as the Long Beach workers comp attorney, will help you in getting a better understanding of the situation. It is a routine for employers and insurance companies to deny the employees their valid right to workers comp’ claims, which means that they will do all they can to limit the employees’ liability. This is why you require the services of an experienced workers’ comp attorney.


What Happens after You Have Filed for Workers’ Compensation?

Suppose you have been injured at the workplace and filed for workers’ comp claim, you might be wondering what you can expect after its successful filing. We will cover everything up related to this here. You might have had a thorough discussion with your lawyer about the compensation. You might be ready to receive your rightful compensation for the lost wages and injuries that occurred at the workplace.

It is important to note that the workers’ comp benefits should be pursued only after obtaining legal advice from a professional lawyer. From the moment you file for compensation, you can expect many things to go wrong. Therefore, you will have to stay in touch with a legal representative who will use their skills and expertise to ensure your success. Let us look at the possible scenario to happen after you have filed your claim.

Firstly, your employer will receive the claim and fill out a form and sign it. The paper is typically filled with required information about the injury by the employer and the impacted employee. Subsequently, the workers’ comp claim is transferred to an administrator who has been specified for this. Their job is to handle and manoeuvre all such cases on behalf of the agency or employer. Nonetheless, some of the administrators work directly under the instruction of insurance companies or other relevant organizations.

After you have filed for workers’ comp claims, the file should be handed over to the administrator. This can be sent via email, as well. You need to ensure that no deadline is missed, which means that the claim should be transferred within the working day after filing the claim. Typically, your lawyer will warn you to keep a copy of the claim as evidence before forwarding it to the administrator.

After the administrator’s copy of the claim is received, they can either accept or reject the request. Typically, the administrator can take time for this action. A reasonable period is granted to the administrator for this purpose, which is usually no more than 30 days.


What is the Meaning of the Claim Being Accepted or Rejected?

Suppose the administrator proceeds with accepting the workers’ comp claim, including the work-related injury and other costs. The additional charges will include the medical bills and payment of lost wages, your earning capacity, etc. will be covered by the employer or work agency. This means that you will be receiving a certain amount for the coverage of medical bills and other costs.

Suppose the administrator rejects the workers’ comp claim, which means that they do not believe you and your requests to be true. This means that your injury might not meet specific criteria that qualify it to be covered by workers’ comp benefits. If this is the case, you are more likely to receive a letter from the administration to inform you about the claim’s rejection. If you want to avoid this, you will have to gather sufficient evidence and file the required papers to challenge and dispute the decision. Since the deadlines related to this case are unusually strict, it is recommended that you do not hesitate and waste any time to gather the required documents.

It is important to note, your claim will be automatically updated to official status if you get no response from the administrator.  This happens if you do not hear back from the administrator within the given time of 90 days.


When will you be going back to work?

You will have to consult your physician or healthcare provider regarding this. Only they can tell you the surety about when going back to your workplace will be best for you. You might still be recovering but wanting to return to work. You need to consult with the doctor who will be treating your injury. It is also recommended to consult your workers’ compensation attorney about the type of work you will be doing after returning to your workplace.


What kind of Investigation is conducted?

Suppose you have filed a workers’ compensation claim. In that case, the purpose will be to obtain the benefits to return to work as soon as possible. The insurance company will hire an investigator or a team of investigators for the required follow-ups. This will help the insurance company in gathering details about the injuries and physical wellbeing. Many people worry about the violation of their privacy when they think about investigators of the insurance company.

The fact is that typically there are no violations. However, if you sense that your privacy is being violated in one way or the other. The best thing to do is talk to an attorney and handle the matter professionally and efficiently. The most common time of investigation is, usually, when people return from doctor appointments. This is when the insurance company is more likely to contact you for a follow-up on the injury’s extent. Such an investigation can also include that the investigators might arrive at your medical appointment. For the record, the investigators might videotape or photograph you, which also serves as evidence later. Such an investigation aims to make sure that the people who are receiving the compensation are sick for real. There have been instances where people arrived at the medical centre in a wheelchair but left on foot. Therefore, the underlying purpose of such an investigation is to determine whether you are as sick as you are claiming to be.