Tuesday, October 6, 2020

DOTI – I-25 & Belleview Vehicle Congestion Study

Two upcoming meetings provide public opportunity to learn about the study and provide feedback

DENVER –  The City and County of Denver is getting the word out about two upcoming meetings that will discuss alternatives being looked at to address vehicle congestion around I-25 & Belleview Avenue. The project team will present results of a recently completed analysis of options that include:

  1. Reconfiguring the I-25 interchange at Belleview Avenue so that a single signalized intersection controls the flow of vehicles exiting and entering the highway (similar to how the I-25 and University Blvd interchange operates)
  2. Rebuilding the I-25 interchange to add new on and off ramps at Union Avenue to ease vehicle congestion happening at Belleview
  3. No Action

This Wednesday, the public will have an opportunity to learn more about the study and hear more about the three alternatives. Then on Wednesday, October 21, Denver will host its own virtual meeting to give residents an opportunity to weigh in on their preferences and priorities for transportation within and near the Denver Belleview Station Area.

Virtual Public Meeting 1

What: Vehicle Congestion Study and Alternatives Presentation

Who: City & County of Denver, Greenwood Village, Arapahoe County, and Denver South Transportation Management Association (TMA)

When: Wednesday, October 7 at 6 p.m.

Where to Register: http://bit.ly/I25BelleviewMtg10-7

After registering, a confirmation email will be sent with more information about how to join the meeting.


Virtual Public Meeting 2

What: Community Feedback on the I-25 & Belleview Interchange Project and Alternatives

Who: City & County of Denver project team

When: Wednesday, October 21 at 6 p.m.

Where to Register: https://bit.ly/I25BelleviewDenver or scan QR code below

In the coming weeks, an executive committee will evaluate both the results of the technical analysis and feedback from the public before determining a preferred alternative to advance to the next stage of the project.

Denver joins Greenwood Village, Arapahoe County, and Denver South TMA as funding partners on the study and has coordinated with Cherry Hills Village, Regional Transportation District, the Denver Regional Council of Governments, the Colorado Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration.

For more information, please visit www.improvei25belleview.com

The post DOTI – I-25 & Belleview Vehicle Congestion Study appeared first on Cranmer Park/Hilltop Civic Association.

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