Thursday, March 31, 2022

Redistricting 2022 – Final Map Approved!

March 30, 2022 UPDATE – Final Redistricting Map for 2023 Approved by City Council

Please link here to this helpful description of the D5 Council Office thoughts and the process for selecting the final map.

Previous posts on the redistricting process below:

Feb 2, 2022 – Redistricting is gathering speed!  23 maps have been submitted over the past two months by both City Council members (7 maps) and by citizens (16 maps) .  This was the first time the city invited residents to submit their own maps for consideration to help identify areas of cultural, historic or economic interest such as neighborhoods, local business corridors and ethnic or language groups.

Here are the maps 


There will be opportunities for the public to review and give feedback on the proposed maps at 6 upcoming community meetings.   Council will review the proposed maps and then vote on the final version March 29 at a public hearing.



Dec 14, 2021 – Every 10 years we engage in redistricting both at the congressional and municipal levels following completion of the census.  In Denver the goal of redistricting is to create council districts that are as evenly-populated and as geographically compact and reasonable as possible to uphold the one-person-one-vote standard in the US Constitution.  As of October the stated population target for each district is 65K each.

City Council has started this process – which is on a very fast track – and will finalize it in March of 2022.  There are several opportunities for public input and you can learn more about the process here on this website page.  See the following slides and share your ideas on what a new council district would like here.  If you have questions, email or call 720-913-2000.


The post Redistricting 2022 – Final Map Approved! appeared first on Cranmer Park/Hilltop Civic Association.

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