Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Friends share thoughts and thanks - #lakewoodnews

I'm not on social media very often. But I took to Facebook this week to ask people what they are thankful for. I don't need to remind any of us that we are a fractured nation at this moment, but we are also blessed in so many ways.

The outpouring of gratitude on my Facebook page tells this story better than I can.

My wonderful friend Patty tells me she is grateful for "the right to vote, my friends, my family, modern medicine, technology that makes life easier like my laundry machines, dishwasher, and Rumba ... and having plenty of food and water."

Close friend and high school classmate Bill says, "I'm thankful for lifelong friends." Currently laid up after surgery, Bill added, "I'm thankful for the little things like flowers, fountains and birds outside my window ... thankful for life."

My longtime friend Dave says simply, "Where do I start? I am so very grateful for the wonderful tribe of friends who support me." Hometown friend Larry tells me: "I am thankful for those friends and family who accept me with all of my flaws and still make me feel welcome and appreciated." Spence, another hometown friend, says: "I'm thankful for being able to reconnect and stay in touch with friends I grew up with in Monte Vista."

Fellow poet Jesica is grateful "for my family, blood and chosen." And high school classmate Colleen says, "The precious friends we've enjoyed throughout our life have made everything else bearable and worthwhile."

Colleen also tells me "I'm thankful for the religious freedoms we enjoy in America." Lovely friend Judy says, "I am truly thankful to live in this amazing country and to have all my children home and safe this year." Friend and colleague Janelle is grateful to "live in a time of peace, even if there are still threats."

Another poet, Kirsten, reflects that, after the election, "I became grateful for the opportunity each of us now has to examine more closely how we want to be in the world - the choices we make and the influence our words and actions have on others." Fellow writer Beth says, "I'm thankful for the ability to absorb, process and decide when presented with information from all sides. I'm thankful for the strength and determination to face difficult times."

Friend Nami delighted me with "I'm thankful for shoes with squeakers built into them to inspire my toddler's first steps." Classmate Ellen says, "I am thankful for music when my heart is heavy ... or glad." Fellow writer Mimi tells me "I'm grateful for two strong hands to create positive change in the world, and for dogs who help me every day to be kind and compassionate."

Hometown friend Vicki, who works at a care center, made my heart swell when she said, "I'm thankful for a job where I can make a difference in the lives of our veterans and their families." And friend and fellow writer Diana tugs at my heartstrings with "I am thankful my husband survived a major heart attack and then bypass surgery on our 25th anniversary."

My friend Jesica and I share gratitude for an American citizen's basic right: "freedom of speech and the ability to use it." I also count freedom of the press, another First Amendment right.

But perhaps my hometown friend Mike says it best: "I'm thankful for every day I'm upright!"


Andrea Doray is a writer who believes free speech and freedom of the press must be pretty darn important if they are contained in the very first amendment to Constitution of the United States. Contact Andrea at a.doray@andreadoray.com.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.comhttp://lakewoodsentinel.com/stories/Friends-share-thoughts-and-thanks,239452?branding=15

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