Monday, November 28, 2016

Letter: Oblivious to taxpayer concerns - #lakewoodnews

As I read your Jeffco newsletter note lamenting the loss of the proposed tax increase and $800 million bond proposal, it was not without a certain sense of fascination that the teachers union-installed board could be so oblivious to the concerns of taxpayers and a large segment of parents. Perhaps the surrounding school districts where voters supported tax and bond measures are not so intolerant to charter school choices, and charter schools were not excluded from the benefits of the successful measures.

Perhaps other districts do not have 15,000 open seats and flat to declining enrollment. Perhaps other districts did not structure their bond measures with interest only payments for many years which massively increase total interest costs over the life of the bonds. Using questionable Certificates of Participation to skirt the need to ask voters for capital funds does not court the goodwill of taxpayers. Perhaps other districts have more transparent boards that do not make decisions behind closed doors and hold the regard for student achievement below the interests and agenda of the teachers union.

Unfortunately it will not be until Jeffco parents can form a union of their own and match the outside funding of JCEA causes, that the interests of students will truly be given the consideration they deserve. Rather than blaming shortsighted parents, perhaps this board should swallow its pride, study the example of fiscal prudence of the previous board and embrace diversity of viewpoints. Perhaps this is a time for reflection and change on the part of this board. Perhaps pigs will fly someday too.

Dave Bagenski,




from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,239614

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