Thursday, November 17, 2016

Letetr: Jeffco rethinking 2015? - #lakewoodnews

Can it be a sign of buyers' remorse that, of all the school bond and mill levy ballot questions promoted across our state, the voters of Jeffco resoundingly rejected theirs?

Having ejected their reformist school board majority at the behest of the teachers' union, and finding themselves saddled with a profligate board with an 'edifice complex'  rather than one which sought to improve the academic achievements of its student customers by internal reforms, isn't it indicative that those voters sent a clear message to their board, saying 'enough already' and 'put-your-house-in-order,' fiscally and course-content-wise, first?

For next year, should not we now be considering an excerpt from the Oliver Cromwell's chilling Invective: 'Ye have been sitting here for to long for any good which ye may be doing, begone I say, let us have done with you,'?

Russell W Haas,




from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,239295

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