Monday, July 18, 2016

Currently and consistently inconsistent - #lakewoodnews

I need a routine. Not the work-play-eat-sleep-repeat kind of routine, but something more precise, more - dare I say it? --; structured. What I really need is a plan of when and in what order things happen.

I'm not talking your basic to-do list, such as laundry, bills or oil changes. I mean a routine for, say, getting ready for work in the morning, or before going to bed at night.

On a regular weekday morning, sometimes I make the coffee first. Other times I take my shower first. Or maybe I'll look in my closet for about five minutes, deciding what to wear. Such inconsistency can throw off any semblance of timing, as well as lead to any of these steps being rushed or even missed.

Let's say I don't get the coffee started right away, but get caught up choosing my wardrobe and doing my face and hair. When I'm ready to fill up my travel mug for the trip to work, it's too late get a pot going. Or if I change the order of fixing my hair and doing my makeup, I'm likely to walk away without mascara, or maybe earrings. One thing just does not follow the proverbial other in my system - or lack thereof.

This kind of jumbled-up order also leads to misplaced and forgotten items. I've mentioned before how I drop my keys randomly when I come home, usually depending on what I'm carrying. This means the next morning, I have to spend time searching - right as I'm rushing out the door - for yesterday's mail, the travel mug I might have remembered to bring home from the office, and my purse, or else in locations completely unrelated to any of these.

But if I had a routine ... I would put my keys in the same place every time I come in the door. I would put my mail where I can tend to it later. I would rinse out my coffee mug (assuming I had remembered to make coffee that morning in time to take some to work). I would leave my purse and my briefcase handy in case I need to get into either of them that evening. Oh, and I would decide where I want to always put my garage door opener (which I never leave in the car) so I'm not chasing around for it after I have finally located my keys.

I know I sound disjointed and absentminded here. But I really believe it's a matter of finding the right order in my life, considering that after five years of working primarily from home, I now drive (or bike) to work every day. And that I'm in a relatively new home and haven't yet settled on those "everything-in-its-place" places.

I like change. I do. I thrive on change. And that's good, because big change is a comin' no matter whom we elect in November. A lot more could be disjointed and unorganized than my mascara or my earrings. But, as the saying goes, I just need to get my own house in order first, before I try to deal with anything --; or anyone --; else.

Now, where did I put those coffee filters?

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.com,228586?branding=15

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