Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Colorado Medical Society launches #CMSWhatsYourWhy to fuel usage of COVID19 Vaccine

Campaign to bring awareness to the COVID-19 Vaccine

With 300,000 Americans now dead of COVID19, the Colorado Medical Society (CMS) has launched #CMSWhatsYourWhy, a campaign to bring awareness to the COVID-19 vaccine for physicians and community. Physicians are encouraged to take a picture of themselves with the #CMSWhatsYourWhy downloadable photo prop available at www.cmswhatsyourwhy.com and post it on social media with their statement of “why” they are choosing to get the COVID-19 vaccine and the hashtag #CMSWhatsYourWhy.

The Colorado Medical Society has been a proud advocate for physicians and their patients through the COVID-19 public health crisis, and although a vaccine has now been released, work continues to develop resources and awareness.
Dr. Mark Wallace, a family physician in northern Colorado, shared his picture and said his “why” for getting the COVID-19 vaccine is “to keep my family and colleagues safe and to protect my community.”

CMS hopes that as physicians share #CMSWhatsYourWhy and www.cmswhatsyourwhy.com with their colleagues and community, they will start a movement encouraging the public to also share their “why” as personal planning around getting vaccinated begins.

https://www.newsbreak.com/topics/guerin-green/?=socialmediaamplification https://www.astro.wisc.edu/?URL=https://thecherrycreeknews.com

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