Saturday, December 19, 2020

History Colorado Photo Time Capsule Invite

An invitation from our friends at History Colorado:

2020 is a year we’d like to forget. History Colorado, however, is in the business of remembering, and we’re imagining how history will remember 2020. We, of course, can’t think about 2020 without acknowledging the human loss, especially our loved ones and nearly 4,000 fellow Coloradans who died with Covid-19. People have also lost businesses, jobs, housing, funerals, weddings, and so much more.

As we contemplate the upheaval of 2020, what will stick with us? Will we remember the delightful and possibly desperate ways we coped with the hardness of the year? Think of Covid canine adoptions, quarantinis, sourdough baking mastery, daily grandma Zoom calls, and so many incredible online learning events. Will we be able to transform the urgent lessons from the protests for Black lives into irrevocable strides towards equity and justice? What did we learn about ourselves as we faced such extraordinary crises?

At History Colorado, we’ve been collaborating with Coloradans on how we should remember this year. As 2020 ends,

What would you put in your time capsule memorializing 2020? We’d love to hear from you.
Tag us @historycolorado or send us an email.

we’d love your help in capturing how you feel about the year. You can participate by creating a photo time capsule. In a single photo, highlight 5 to 10 objects that belong in a time capsule memorializing 2020—from your personal, local, and global perspectives. Share briefly why you selected each object. Email your photos to me. Or, even better, share your photo via Instagram and tag @historycolorado. We’ll reshare your capsule in our Instagram Stories! 

—Dawn DiPrince, Chief Operating Officer

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