Thursday, December 31, 2020

U.S. Census Creates Jobs For Colorado

by Laura Lieff

Every 10 years, United States citizens are asked to respond to the Census which is a questionnaire designed to count the number of people living in the country. According to the Constitution, the results of the Census are used to determine the number of United States House of Representatives each state is designated. Additionally, over $ 675 billion in federal funds, grants, and support to states, counties, and communities is allocated based on information gathered from the Census data. These funds are then spent nationwide to support essential programs, roads, schools, hospitals, and more.

State officials use Census results to redraw the boundaries of their congressional and state legislative districts adapting to population shifts. Exemplifying its historical significance, the first Census was completed in 1790 — more than a year after the inauguration of President Washington and soon before the second session of the first Congress concluded. Because this data represents such an important part of Colorado’s future, the United States Census Bureau is recruiting for a variety of temporary jobs, including Census takers, to assist with the nationwide 2020 count.

“Applying to work as a Census taker is a great way to make extra money and line up spring and summer employment ahead of time,” says Laurie Cipriano, Media Specialist for the U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Census Bureau. “Census taker positions offer flexible hours, paid training, weekly compensation, and reimbursement for expenses such as mileage for employees doing fieldwork.”

People of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, including college students and retirees who are looking for extra income or a second job. While hourly pay rates vary by position and location, the Arapahoe County rate is listed between $ 18.50 and $ 20.50 and Denver County is listed as $ 20.50.

“Participating in the Census is extremely important because these population changes determine the state’s representation at the federal level and have a tremendous effect on how our state money is allocated,” explains Greater Glendale Chamber of Commerce Chief Operating Officer Jeff Allen. “Additionally, everyone’s responses are protected by law and cannot be shared with a federal or state agency.”

Deemed the largest peacetime deployment of civil servants across the country, the Census counts every person living in the United States as of April 1, 2020, which is officially designated as Census Day. By this date, most homes will receive an invitation to participate online, by phone, or by mail. For households that do not self-respond, the national door-to-door enumeration begins in May and ends in July. Additionally, for the first time ever, citizens have the option to fill out the form online making the process easy, safe, and secure.

For those interested in Census taker positions, the selection process is underway, with paid training occurring in March and April. Visit for more information.

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