Thursday, December 3, 2020

Input Sought and Meeting Announcement Regarding Municipal Election Timelines

From Paul Lopez, Clerk & Recorder
Dear Neighbors,
Please join The Clerk & Recorder’s Office for the last Charter Review Committee (CRC) meeting of the year.
We’re inviting you to attend our third meeting regarding modernization for Denver’s municipal elections (click here to watch the last meeting). This six-meeting process will engage a committee that will work to identify possible solutions to conflicts between Denver’s municipal election timeline and state and federal election law. The committee is tasked with recommending possible charter changes to modernize Denver’s municipal elections.
In our last meeting, we introduced Tammy Patrick, Senior Advisor for the Elections Program at the Democracy Fund. She discussed and presented the relationships between election administrators and the US Postal Service and how the USPS innerworkings affects elections and military and overseas voters’ present needs. It was an educational presentation about what happens behind the scenes and what it takes to conduct successful elections.
Please plan on joining our virtual committee sessions to listen, learn, and provide feedback on how we can modernize and guide municipal elections. (Webinar will open 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting).

Meeting will be held on December 10th

2:30 – 4:00 PM

Sign up to join our meeting

Meeting ID: 945 0361 0361

In December’s meeting, we’ll hear from former local experts regarding their experiences in changing municipal election timelines. December’s speakers are Karen Goldman from the Colorado Municipal League (CML), a consultant who helps municipalities conduct elections across Colorado. We will also be joined by Clerk Lisa Anderson from Castle Rock, CO.
Every meeting will be recorded and uploaded to our Charter Review Committee webpage so you’re always up to date. Feel free to share this information with your networks.
How can I provide my input and feedback?
We want to have robust feedback from different viewpoints from across our entire city. We will be reaching out citywide to solicit feedback but also hope to hear directly from you. You can submit feedback by emailing your thoughts and ideas to For more information on the CRC visit our website.
In Solidarity,
Paul López
Denver Clerk and Recorder

The post Input Sought and Meeting Announcement Regarding Municipal Election Timelines appeared first on Cranmer Park/Hilltop Civic Association.

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