Monday, April 4, 2022

Event Video: MLK 55 Years Later: Can The Church Study War No More?

Yet he understood even back then that America’s endless pursuit of war and domination abroad is directly tied to the violence and oppression visited upon Black, Brown, and poor people at home.

To mark the anniversary, King Center CEO Rev. Dr. Bernice King headlined an event—“Can the Church Study War No More”—exploring the connections her father made in that historic speech between the three evils—militarism, racism, and materialism—and their impact on the lives of Black, Brown, and poor people today.

On April 2nd at 4:00 pm ET, King joined national faith, justice, and peace movement leaders to read selections from Dr. King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech from the stage where he first delivered it. Then, Dr. Bernice King led a discussion on the impacts of U.S. militarism at home and abroad with Quincy Institute President Andrew Bacevich, United Church of Christ’s Rev. Traci Blackmon, and Dream Defenders Phil Agnew. QI Board Member Pastor Mike McBride moderated.

Special musical guests Brian Courtney Wilson, Aaron Niequist, and Common Hymnal performed. The event was organized and sponsored by the United Church of Christ, LiveFree, Black Church Action Fund, Red Letter Christians, and the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.

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