Sunday, April 17, 2022

Victoria man charged in ‘disturbing’ sex assault at Denver hotel – ~ News

Warning: graphic details in story.

A Victoria man is facing charges over allegations that he took part in an “incredibly disturbing” sex assault at a hotel in the United States.

Colby James Messer, 30, was taken into custody by US authorities earlier this month when he flew into Las Vegas with family.

He was reportedly on a trip to propose to his girlfriend, according to the Denver District Attorney’s office.

Court documents indicate Messer had flown to Denver last November to attend a Broncos game with three of his friends when they met the alleged victim at a bar.

According to a sworn affidavit, the 27-year-old woman doesn’t remember how she then got to a hotel with the men, but remembered being naked in a hotel room.

“The victim stated that she woke in their hotel room and felt as if she had been sexually assaulted and stated that she did not consent,” the affidavit says.

She told investigators she was bleeding from the vaginal area when she woke.

She alleged the men inserted a lamp base, television remote and hotel telephone into her vagina.

The suspects had already left Colorado by the time the assault was reported.

Messer faces six class-two felony charges of sexual assault, with each charge carrying a maximum sentence of 48 years, according to Denver District Attorney’s Office spokeswoman Lynn Kimbrough.

“The nature of these allegations are incredibly disturbing, even among people in our office who see disturbing things frequently,” she told NBC Denver.

She added that a change to Colorado’s sexual assault laws could result in “indeterminate sentencing,” which would see Messer spend the rest of his life behind bars.

The three other suspects, who are all reportedly from Victoria and Port Alberni, have not been arrested or charged.

Messer has made one court appearance already with another set for this Wednesday, to set a date for a preliminary hearing.

He’s been released from custody after posting bail and must remain in Denver and wear a tracking device.

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