Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Afternoon in the library - #lakewoodnews

Libraries might be quiet places, but at any given time in the summer, there's a steady hum of activity at the Belmar library.

"We come here a lot because there's always a lot to do here," said Leslie Papa, who was at the library with her son Harlan on June 8. "Especially during the summer, it's just a good place to spend the day."

A quick visit to the library is bound to show all ages immersed in some activity. On the 8th, children were playing in the children's area, while parents flipped through one of the library's magazines or a newly checked out book. Teenagers were surfing the net or searching for the next book in the latest young adult series craze. And adults picked their way through the sections, looking for a beach read or something to read on the back porch.

The Belmar Library is also an arts hub, and because it was INSPIRE Arts Week in Lakewood, the front windows were home to a colorful mural created by patrons and children.

During his visit, Harlan was added an Angry Bird or two to the image, and when asked why, he had a simple answer --; "I just like to draw Angry Birds everywhere."

The library was also the new home to artfully decorated cardboard towers from ninth and 10th grade art students at Alameda High School. Students in the classes of Jenna Waite-Gannon and Michelle Yocom decorated the towers with their favorite stories --; everything from "Where the Wild Things Are" to "The Little Mermaid" and "Humpty Dumpty."

"It's a special display we'll have here this summer," said Rhoda Yeager, children's information services supervisor with the library. "It's a pretty neat way for the kids to tell stories."

Stories of all kinds were being told and checked out at the library every day, and with a whole summer ahead, who knows what kinds of stories are getting a start there.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,219128

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