Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Lakewood High class of '76 reunites on the rocks - #lakewoodnews

High school graduations at Red Rocks Amphitheater are a common occurrence now, but when Lakewood High School's graduating class crossed the stage to receive their diplomas in 1976, they were making history.

"We were the first class from a Jefferson County school to graduate at Red Rocks," said Phyllis DeNovellis, n e Hall, a member of the class. "Graduation happened around America's bicentennial celebrations, so our class wanted to do something special."

Forty years later, graduates gathered at the amphitheater to recreate the event with a class photo as part of the class' reunion weekend.

Approximately 100 former students showed up June 24 through 26 for the photo at the amphitheater and events, which included a mixer at Holiday Lanes bowling Alley, dinner at the Museum of Nature and Science and a picnic at Addenbrooke Park.

The reunion has been in the works for a little more than a year, according to DeNovellis and class of 1976 member Christine Lewin, n e Kloepfer.

"These are people I've known for 50 years, and we were a very close class," Lewin said. "Those of us who were planning everything wanted this to be the best reunion ever."

Despite social media's prevalence in contemporary times, tracking down members of the about 500-student class proved to be quite the challenge. DeNovellis employed social media, public records and networking to track down as many classmates as possible.

"Even if they weren't able to attend, I was so blessed to be able talk to so many classmates," she said. "If everyone has half as much fun at the events as we did planning them, it will be great."

At Red Rocks, all seemed in a great mood, catching up with old friends, remembering old times and telling jokes. There were lots of hugs in between conversations, as people who may not have seen each other in 40 years, got reacquainted.

"I haven't been to any of the previous reunions, but this year I thought, no more excuses," said Lauri Fairey, n e Bach. "The committee has done a great job putting this together for all of us."

Students have gone in a variety of directions with their lives --; many have grandchildren, some are widows or widowers, and some have already died.

"It's tough knowing that some are gone already, but it makes us appreciate those who are still here," Lewin said. "I am so looking forward to actually seeing my friends' faces and physically hugging them."

When reaching out to people, DeNovellis learned that many class members went on to be realtors, and a large percentage moved from Lakewood to Colorado Springs. Others, like Michael Moore, have left the state and found their own success. Moore is a competitor in the American Ninja Warrior.

"Some of us have kept in close touch, but it's been great reconnecting with people I've lost touch with," he said. "We had a pretty great group of people in our class."

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.com,222604?branding=15

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