Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Jeffco letters to the editor: June 23, 2016 edition - #lakewoodnews

One less labor pain

Today in Colorado, employees who are pregnant now have the right to ask for simple workplace accommodations. This is the result of hard work from advocates for reproductive health and legislators like my State Representative -- Brittany Pettersen. Representative Petterson helped pass HB-1438, the Employer Accommodations Related to Pregnancy Act.

While many employees have been fortunate to not have issues at their workplace, there have been many exceptions. These exceptions often hit those in lower wage positions and in particular job categories. Before this law passed, even something as simple as extra bathroom breaks, a glass of water, or a request for adequate seating were not guaranteed. This meant that pregnant workers may have been forced to work long hours without breaks or water, putting stress on them and their baby during their pregnancy. Now, EVERY employee has protection during pregnancy.

Representative Pettersen, thank you for ensuring that EVERY family has the protections in place to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. This is good for all Coloradans!

Jodi Lundin,Lakewood


Educate yourself about amendments

There are four proposed constitutional amendments that are likely to appear on the ballot this fall - all target the oil and gas industry. I don't think this is an evil movement, I think it's a naïve one. Any of these proposed amendments would make oil and gas development in the State virtually impossible.

So before we fall into the fervor of unproven sound bites, let's take a true look at what high production, and low costs do for our community.

Where would we be without dependable energy sources? People would be very angry if they couldn't get into their cars and drive anywhere they want, whenever they want. How happy or comfortable would you be if you lived in a cold house when it drops below freezing in the winter? How about the clothes that you wear or the medical devices and medications we have - many, if not most, at least partially comprised of petroleum based products. I cannot point to anything that isn't positively impacted by the oil and gas energy industry in some way.

The energy industry is a huge job producer with good wages. The industry is highly regulated and will typically leave behind an environment that is cleaner than before it arrived. If there is a spill I would prefer to have Exxon or BP do the cleanup. They have the money and the resources to do it right! And they always go above and beyond.

So as you consider these amendments, don't be a follower, educate yourself! See through all the lies in all of the bluster. You are smart, filter out the misinformation.

Susan Bender, PresidentLinc Energy SystemsWheat Ridge

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.com/stories/Jeffco-letters-to-the-editor-June-23-2016-edition,220513

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