Thursday, September 22, 2016

An inclusive recognition - #lakewoodnews

One of Sandie Weathers' main areas of focus --; as PTA president of South Lakewood Elementary School --; is celebrating students' diverse cultures and backgrounds.

"We're a unique school, with such a diverse student body," she said. "At the end of the day, children do better if they feel free to share who they are."

The National PTA organization celebrated these new efforts by awarding South Lakewood the 2016 Jan Harp Domene Diversity and Inclusion award in May. The PTA was presented with the award on Sept. 12 at the school.

"South Lakewood Elementary PTA is committed to helping the school community embrace diversity and inclusion," said Laura Bay, president of National PTA, in a statement. "Its efforts have resulted in positive change, and we are thrilled to recognize the PTA."

The Jan Harp Domene award recognizes PTAs that go above and beyond in the areas of diversity and inclusion, as well as ending discrimination in the school.

"This is truly a prestigious award that only goes to one school," Colorado PTA President Cindy Daisley told South Lakewood's PTA. "Keep up the good work."

The award is presented to PTAs across the country in three categories: state, council/district and local unit. South Lakewood won in the local unit category.

"In a way, I wasn't too surprised when I heard we'd won," said Principal Loren Huwa. "I know how much work our PTA puts into welcoming everyone to our school."

More than 50 percent of students at South Lakewood represent ethnic minority groups, and the PTA devoted itself to celebrate these backgrounds throughout the year.

According to the data from the 2014-15 school year, South Lakewood is 53.6 percent white, 38.7 percent Hispanic, 1.3 percent black and 6.4 percent all other ethinicites. Forty-nine percent of students are on free and reduced lunch. These numbers have remained about the same for the past five years at the school, with only slight shifts up and down.

"Before, my school felt very separate. Our cultures, our personalities, even how old we were," said seventh-grader Ella McCary, who attended South Lakewood last year. "Nobody felt very connected to the school."

During the 2015-2016 year, the school hosted events throughout Hispanic Heritage and Black History months, as well as a large Intercultural Fair where students and families shared their cultures with each other. The school is also a site for Jeffco Public School's Indian Education program.

South Lakewood also recognized Autism Awareness Month by celebrating its program for autistic children and the challenges they've overcome.

There has been a lot of improvement in the students' celebration of their cultures, in large part because of these kinds of activities, Weathers said. When the children are able to feel pride in where they come from, everyone benefits.

"The award goes along with everything we do as a school," Huwa said. "This is the world, and we want to share it with the students."

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.com,236046?branding=15

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