Thursday, September 22, 2016

Integrating art into neighborhoods - #lakewoodnews

Real Coloradoans know there's no such thing as bad weather for ice cream.

And so despite cloudy skies and autumn temperatures, residents of the North East Lakewood Neighborhood around Aviation Park turned out for Popsicles and ice cream sandwiches and to share thoughts with Lakewood city staff on the coming Arts Loop.

"We're looking at ways to get out and engage with the communities near the loop," said Alexis Moore, principal planner with the city. "We'll be at other events this fall to get our residents' input on what they'd like to see for the loop."

As children scrambled over Aviation Park's playground, competed in non-regulation croquet and cornhole, parents chatted with Moore, arts curator Lorene Joos, facilities planner Ross Williams and landscape architect John Paliga about the potential route for the loop, and the public art that would decorate it.

The proposed loop will go around the northeast section of the city, highlighting 40 West and West Colfax and featuring Walker Branch, Mountair Park and Aviation Park. This is the first arts loop in Lakewood, and was born out of a partnership between the 40 West Arts District and the city. The project was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts Our Town Grant to help pay for the loop.

"We're excited to be a part of the loop," said Pam Benigno, a member of the North East Lakewood Neighborhood Organization. "We feel strongly that being part of the loop will benefit the neighborhood and give us another thing in our neighborhood to be proud of."

Many residents out walking their dogs stopped by to chat and share excitement about the loop, which could begin construction in spring 2017.

"I'm interested in the work they're doing here, especially as a large-scale sculptor," said Sean Doherty, who was out on his evening walk with his dog. Doherty walks through Aviation Park twice a day, and said he's excited about the changes the loop will bring.

"The trails here are already being used by a lot of people, so I'm excited to see the park get spiced up," he said. "This project is part of the dedication to arts for the future in the city, and this loop integrates art right into the community."Real Coloradoans know there's no such thing as bad weather for ice cream.

And so despite cloudy skies and autumn temperatures, residents of the North East Lakewood Neighborhood around Aviation Park turned out for Popsicles and ice cream sandwiches and to share thoughts with Lakewood city staff on the coming Arts Loop.

"We're looking at ways to get out and engage with the communities near the loop," said Alexis Moore, principal planner with the city. "We'll be at other events this fall to get our residents' input on what they'd like to see for the loop."

As children scrambled over Aviation Park's playground, competed in non-regulation croquet and cornhole, parents chatted with Moore, arts curator Lorene Joos, facilities planner Ross Williams and landscape architect John Paliga about the potential route for the loop, and the public art that would decorate it.

The proposed loop will go around the northeast section of the city, highlighting 40 West and West Colfax and featuring Walker Branch, Mountair Park and Aviation Park. This is the first arts loop in Lakewood, and was born out of a partnership between the 40 West Arts District and the city. The project was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts Our Town Grant to help pay for the loop.

"We're excited to be a part of the loop," said Pam Benigno, a member of the North East Lakewood Neighborhood Organization. "We feel strongly that being part of the loop will benefit the neighborhood and give us another thing in our neighborhood to be proud of."

Many residents out walking their dogs stopped by to chat and share excitement about the loop, which could begin construction in spring 2017.

"I'm interested in the work they're doing here, especially as a large-scale sculptor," said Sean Doherty, who was out on his evening walk with his dog. Doherty walks through Aviation Park twice a day, and said he's excited about the changes the loop will bring.

"The trails here are already being used by a lot of people, so I'm excited to see the park get spiced up," he said. "This project is part of the dedication to arts for the future in the city, and this loop integrates art right into the community."

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,236043

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