Thursday, September 22, 2016

Letter: Deplorably incorrect - #lakewoodnews

Michael Alcorn's opinion piece (Sept. 15) "After 15 years, have we learned our lessons?" contains a factually incorrect statement about a very sensitive political subject. He is fanning the flames of divisiveness in the very article where he is decrying divisiveness. Sheesh.

Hillary did NOT say that half of Trump supporters are in the "basket of deplorables" because they don't support her. Where did he get that from? I have heard that part of her speech quoted over and over in the news and that is NOT what she said. She said she put them into that basket because of their racism, sexism, etc.  

I strongly feel that Michael should use facts when referencing what someone said and not make up stuff to put into their mouths. Maybe his next opinion piece should be about integrity in print.

Linda Sorauf,




from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,236028

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