Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Free breakfast and smiles - #lakewoodnews

How often have we all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

On Sept. 7, McDonald's restaurants throughout the state took that message to heart, and offered free breakfast to students in kindergarten through eighth grade.

"It's for all kids --; they just need a parent with them," said Jessi Bucar, operator of the Green Mountain McDonald's at 12017 W. Alameda Parkway, in a lull between customers that morning. "It's a way for us to promote eating breakfast for kids who sometimes forget to do so."

According to information provided by McDonald's, the event was a way to celebrate the start of the school year by offering children the choice of an Egg McMuffin or Egg White Delight McMuffin, apple slices and milk or juice. The Western Dairy Association partnered with McDonald's for the event.

During the morning, groups of children and their parents came in waves, creating a line and filling the restaurant with voices and laughter.

McDonald's spread the word through fliers, radio ads and social media, which seemed to be especially successful.

"I heard about this from Facebook," said Melissa Augustin, who stopped in with her daughters Ryleigh and Emmersyn. "The girls' school is just down the street, so this works out."

Bucar said she enjoys it when McDonald's does events like this, especially ones that benefit children.

"It's great that we can show people there are healthy options at McDonald's," she said. "We just want these kids to have a good day at school."

Judging from the responses from parents and children alike, it was certainly a good way to start the day.

"I'm glad my kids were able to get a healthy breakfast for free," Augustin said. "And, I didn't have to cook."

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,235372

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