Thursday, September 22, 2016

Letter: Value in supporting schools - #lakewoodnews

I have never had kids in Jeffco Schools, but I've lived in the Applewood/Golden area for over two decades, and am heavily invested in the community. As a both a homeowner and Realtor, I understand the critical importance of high quality schools. In order to offer the best possible education for the children in our community, I firmly believe that we all need to invest in our schools and education system.   

Thriving schools help keep real estate values strong. Homebuyers and sellers clearly value the quality of local schools, and homebuyers are willing to sacrifice certain things to live in the right school district. In 2013, conducted a Back to School survey. In that survey 90 percent of home buyers listed school boundaries as "important" or "somewhat important" in their purchasing decision. More than 44 percent of respondents said they would pay up to 10 percent above budget for homes in preferred school boundaries, and another 9 percent would pay up to 20 percent above.

When we choose to invest in our schools, we invest in our home values and our communities. Please join me in supporting YES on 3A and 3B.

Sue Imperiale,




from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,236025

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