Thursday, September 22, 2016

Letter: No input, so vote NO on school bond - #lakewoodnews

In the past year the new Jeffco School Board has constantly left students and citizens input out of the process. Now the board members expect us to elect to pay for created debt and their election winning platform of not supporting all public school students equally. It has left many to think why did we pay over $150,000 of our educational taxes to elect them? Of course 3A and 3B will bring many other things to schools. But who really thinks going from no debt to having to pay back almost a billion dollars is a good trade?

Think about how the Board has done its planning with an overpopulated administration; Creating debt they want us to pay for while mortgaging and moving their issues to our grandchildren's educations. They only held area meetings with communities for discussions, choosing not to share the overall district picture as was done for years before. Look at how they've brought back last century's educational thinking with "student based budgeting" and moving sixth grade to middle schools. Even Dr. Stevenson stopped that in 2010 at O'Connell Middle School.

At least this Board could have taken the research released just after they were elected on the "Negative Union Impact on Educational Outcomes" but then again who runs Jeffco now?

Please join me in "not" supporting 3A and 3B. Tell this School Board that these are Jefferson County Public Schools where Student Education comes "First!"

Gary Scofield,




from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,236027

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