Thursday, May 5, 2016

101 ways to have summer camp fun in Lakewood this summer - #lakewoodnews

Children with time on their hands in the summer months can find them full thanks to Lakewood's 101 summer camps.

The city offers opportunities for children, ages 5 to 7, to explore any interest or try any sport.

"There's something at the city for every interest in Lakewood," said Meghan Ruble, the city's marketing and promotions coordinator. "We get more campers every year, and our programs are constantly changing."

While some camps, like magic and Washington Heights' arts, are popular standards, the city tries to bring new offerings every year. At the end of every season, Lakewood surveys parents for feedback on what their children liked and didn't like.

A new program for 2016 is combination sports camps. One camp, for instance, combines gymnastics and cheerleading, another gymnastics and climbing, and a final pairs multiple sports with swimming.

"We received feedback that kids wanted to play as many sports as possible," Ruble said. "We also now offer engineering camps just for girls."

Lakewood offers a unique summer program in Camp Paha, specifically designed for children and young adults with disabilities.

The camp fills up within a month of registration opening every year, said Mark Snow, the camp's coordinator. And this year is no exception.

"We're the only day camp of this type in the Denver-metro area," Snow said. "There are overnight camps and weekend camps, but we're the only day camp."

Camp Paha has two programs, depending on a camper's age. The youth program is for children ages 6 to 17, and the Paha Adults in Transition program is for young adults, 18 to 25 years old. The youth camp has about 60 to 70 members, the Adults in Transition 20 to 30.

"The adult program is for those who are looking to enter the workforce and live in a more traditional setting," Snow explained. "Campers are more involved in the planning and have more independence and self-advocacy."

Camp Paha participants do everything from swimming and horseback riding to sports and swimming.

"We create opportunities for campers to learn and grow into themselves," Snow said. "We're insistent that the quality of our programs be the highest."

The city also offers financial aid packages for families who wish to participate in summer programs.

For more information, visit

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,213045

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