Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Peterson recognized by panel - #lakewoodnews

Former Lakewood city council member Ed Petersen knows a thing or two about transportation. He received the Distinguished Service Award from the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) during a ceremony on April 27.

"Through his many years of community involvement, particularly his efforts to improve regional transportation, Ed has truly changed our region for the better," said Jennifer Schaufele, DRCOG executive director.

DRCOG presents this award to individuals who make significant contributions to the Denver region and its communities, and to DRCOG's programs and activities.

After serving on the Lakewood city council for two terms from 2003 to 2011, Ed Peterson was appointed to the Colorado Department of Transportation's commission on transportation representing District 2.

Peterson is a former DRCOG Board Chair and has served as a member of the group's Regional Transportation Committee since April 2008. He chaired the Regional Transportation Committee from early 2009 to early 2010. Peterson also served on the Metro Vision Implementation Task Force.

We called Peterson to talk about the award and transportation around the Denver area, the blessing and curse of swift growth, and his thoughts on the efforts to finish the 470 ring road.

How long were you on Lakewood city council?

I served on council two terms, or eight years. It was something I enjoyed immensely. I had great colleagues, good leadership, and great staff.

What about transportation interests you so much?

Transportation is like the network that keeps everything going. If you're going to create jobs, a better economic environment, sustainable environment and tackle some of the big issues in metro area, you need to get people around safely and efficiently.

The needs of our state are so diverse, you have to get really creative to solve the problems, and I really enjoy that aspect. I've had the golden opportunity to work with some really engaged people on these problems.

How do you think the Denver metro area is doing in areas of transportation?

We're doing good with what we have. The good news and bad news is we're one of fastest growing metro areas in country.

In some ways we've squandered a tremendous legacy, because for a long time maintenance and adding transportation options wasn't real high on our priorities list.

There are all sorts of innovative things on horizon. Autonomous vehicles are on the far end, but we're looking at reducing congestion through projects like the Bustang.

It's exciting to be part of and see some of this come to fruition while laying down things for next generation of Coloradans.

What challenges is the area still facing when it comes to transportation?

We need to get a ring road completed (a highway system that completely encircles the metro area). We're one of the only major metro areas in country that doesn't have a ring road, which would be very efficient and effective at moving goods and services around the area. Also, God forbid we're in situation where we have to do any large type evacuation --; we'd be in a lot of trouble, because there are no alternate routes to exit the area.

We also need to take a look at multimodal transportation in region.

There are technologies to help relieve our congestion problems. Not just building lanes, but using what we have in better.

What does receiving this recognition mean to you?

When I received the letter, I was a little surprised. You don't do things in transportation or regional planning on your own. I got here because I was fortunate enough to work with some very talented and open-minded individuals. To just be part of it, to have played a role and help folks get together and move the conversation forward, has always been what I'm about.

What is your favorite part about the work you do?

Seeing it done and seeing the response.

I've got two grandkids, and to know I'm a small part of making transportation options happen for their children and future children means a lot.

It's amazing to me that I've had opportunity to play small part in all of this. I'm the recipient of a lot more than I've ever been provider of. That type of reward you can't put a price on.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,213402

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