Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Former school board members against 3A and 3B - #lakewoodnews

As former Jefferson County school board members we know that students and staff deserve to work and learn in safe, updated facilities. We also know that there are over $800 million in facility deficiencies. But the hidden costs of proposals 3A and 3B force us to say "NO" to these requests and here's why.

Less than half of the $535 million dollar bond goes toward fixing broken buildings.

About $100 million builds additional classrooms to move sixth graders to middle schools. This move requires building 3,000 additional seats while the district has 15,000 empty seats, two schools sitting vacant, and more pressing capital needs for current facilities.

$50 million of the bond builds two new schools while enrollment in district-run schools has been flat for a decade. There are already 2000 new seats coming on-line that more than support the increasing numbers of children in fast growing parts of Jeffco.

$30 million of the bond builds second gyms and turf fields.

22 percent is set aside for services, fees and expected cost overruns. In the past there was a commitment to being on-time and on-budget with every dollar accounted for.

Moving all sixth-graders to middle school is not an urgent problem. The district has evaluated this change many times, most recently in 2008-2009 as part of a large capital improvement and program review. It was rejected. Now the district wants to reconstruct the remaining 7-8 middle schools into 6-8 grades, without sufficient conversation with parents as to whether these are sound programming decisions or the highest capital construction priorities.

The financing scheme for the $535 million bond is dubious. Taxpayers will almost double the $535 million to pay back the loan. In other words, the loan plus interest totals up to nearly a billion-dollar repayment in a low-interest environment. How is this possible?

Your ballot says the largest annual payments are $72 million, but taxpayers will underpay the bond for 10 years, forcing the higher payments and thus more interest in the last 15 years. Of the stated $450 million in interest, $200 million is unnecessary and should be put toward fixing the $800 million in current facility needs.

Because taxpayers are underpaying for the first 10 years, hiding the true reason for the high cost of the bonds, today's children will be burdened with the majority of the billion-dollar repayment as they turn into taxpayers. Plus, this debt load will affect future borrowing, causing higher interest rates.

Finally, the $33 million operations funds increase will not attract and retain great staff as the district claims. The portion allocated to compensation provides for one step and one level move.

There's no cost-of-living increase or raise for entry-level salaries where additional money could make a significant competitive difference.

Overall, the plan reflects the mere 90 days it took to put it in front of the board for approval. Taxpayers, parents, teachers and students deserve a plan that's well-reasoned and fully considered. We wish 3A and 3B were proposals deserving of support, but we must say "NO" and tell the board to go back and develop a plan that squeezes maximum benefits for students, staff and the community.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.com,238141?branding=15

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