Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Letter: Support Jeffco Kids says yes for 3A and 3B - #lakewoodnews

The U.S. Census ranks Colorado the second fastest-growing state in the nation. As our communities and cities compete for those businesses and developers looking to come here, the quality of our schools will be a key factor.

This November, Jeffco Schools is asking voters to approve 3A and 3B, to invest in our students and our future by investing in our schools; and we are not alone. So are almost 50 other school districts around the state.

Don't be mistaken and assume this is just an issue for parents with kids in schools. It's important for all of our community members: businesses and residents with no children.

It's a no-brainer for parents. A qualified and experienced teacher in the classroom can make all the difference for your child to do well in school. But did you know over the last few years, Jeffco lost a record number of staff? Surrounding districts pay 19 percent more than Jeffco.

Any good businessperson will tell you it's important to invest in our schools. Our students are our future: future employees, customers, business owners and investors, and future voters. This requires investments in our schools' operating funds and construction.

All Jeffco property owners have much to gain - or lose. Per a 2013 Redfin brokerage report: homes in neighborhoods with top-ranked schools cost about $50 more per square foot than homes in communities with average-ranked schools. As more seniors look to down-size and sell their homes, the value of their property will be key to their standard of living in the next phase of their lives.

Support Jeffco Kids has endorsed 3A and 3B because it's the right thing to do. We recommend everyone visit and learn the facts to ensure you make a decision that supports Jeffco kids.

Shawna Fritzler & Jonna Levine

Support Jeffco Kids



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