Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Letter: Proposed Amendment 71 shenanigans - #lakewoodnews

How can the voters of Colorado be expected to understand the ramifications of Amendment 71 (making it more difficult to amend the Colorado Constitution), when both the ballot language and its Blue Book'explanation fail to describe all of the details of its intended revision of Article V, Section 1?

Did the Proponents of 71 intend to hide the fact that the total number of valid signatures required for ballot access would also be increased 75 percent (to 182,452, an increase of 78,660 signatures) from 5 percent of the Secretary-of-State vote from the prior election, to 5 percent of the total of registered voters, real or imaginary, living or dead?

Why has this never been publicized by the Colorado Legislative Council?

How is any voter to know what the incomprehensible reference of '..subsection 2 of subsection 2.5..' means?

How can voters, in our present all-mail-ballot regime, know of this subterfuge, much less the details of it, without having a copy of our Constitution mailed to each household, or having an 'election law specialist' over for dinner?

As Amendment 71's published descriptive information is incomplete and insufficient, is not 71 illegitimate, and does not that make the purported Amendment itself invalid?

Will the Secretary of State do his duty and declare 71 'null and void' before ballots are counted, or will a court?

Will the media act swiftly to educate our voters, and expose this travesty?

Russell W Haas,




from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,238107

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