Thursday, October 20, 2016

Frank Teunissen - #lakewoodnews

About Tighe: The incumbent for District 2 earned his law degree from Creighton University. He practices for 3 years before working for the Colorado Department of Transportation for 24 years, the last 11 of which were as the director of audits for the agency. Tighe has served one term as a county commissioner.

More information:;

Why should voters choose you for this office?

I am proud of my record as a county commissioner. I have worked hard to stabilize the county's Budget, and improve financial accountability. I have advocated for providing competitive salaries to help retain Sheriff's deputies. I have a vision for Jeffco that includes balancing a strong economy with responsible environmental stewardship.

Describe an accomplishment that best illustrates your effectiveness as a leader.

I believe in bringing people together to solve problems and create opportunities. I helped form a Sustainability Commission to identify ways residents and businesses can conserve energy or recycle, it is made up of volunteers from private business and government. They have partnered with Excel Energy and are developing an action plan to help businesses and citizens in Jeffco save money on energy bills. I am excited about the cost savings this could bring to local businesses and residents.

How will you help address the county's growing senior population?

We have to be innovative in providing for the needs of the growing senior population. A single solution will not address every challenge, because the situation for each senior, and their family, is unique. To meet these diverse needs, it is important to partner with the faith-based community as well as non-profit organizations, such as the Senior Resource Center. We also need to leverage technology to provide services, such as transportation and meals in a more efficient manner.

What other issue would you want to focus on while in office?

Balancing economic development and protecting the land that makes Jefferson County special has to be a priority. We need a strong economy with high paying jobs, and Jefferson County is now recognized as a great place to do business. However, there is also a strong preservation ethic in Jeffco. We want to be sensible in how we grow. I will work hard to protect neighborhoods, make sure we invest in infrastructure and maintain a strong open space program.

What else should voters know about you?

I am a long time resident, and my family calls Jeffco home. This is a special community and that is why I decided to run for county commissioner four years ago. I work with volunteers on many different issues and every day I am impressed with the commitment my neighbors have to their community. It has been an honor to serve; and, if re-elected, I will continue to work hard to keep Jeffco special.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,237726

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