Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Letter: Calling foul on 3A and 3B - #lakewoodnews

In 2015 an entrenched teachers' union successfully recalled a common sense group and replaced it with their liberal supportors. They now proposed a billion dollar mill and bond levy to make sure their benefit can be funded. The previous board knew that roughly $200 million was sufficient to maintain facilities and keep schools properly staffed. Colorado has had an unparalleled runup in home values and resulting tax receipts, coupled with lots of new construction and additional taxes. This board now proposes a billion dollars in added spending that should have been easily addressable with a rising tax base, coupled with flat enrollment.

Worse, to make it "look good" to the voters they are back loading the interest. Wow, we get $565 million but pay nearly $400 million in interest during a period of historically low interest rates. Don't be fooled into believing this is about education. This is about the state of Colorado that decreases contributions to schools so it can pay its huge unfunded pension liabilities and Jefferson County which is doing the same thing. Money is fungible, there is no "it's for the good of little Timmy." This is flat-out pension padding. I support education, not covering up needed reforms to the public pension system with lies and deception. Please vote no on 3A and 3B.

Tom Helmreich,




from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,238108

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