Monday, October 31, 2016

Keeping score with... - #lakewoodnews

What is your favorite movie?

McFarland, USA is my favorite movie. It was the first movie that I had watched about cross country and I really enjoyed it.

What is your favorite pre-competition meal?

My favorite pre-competition meal is spaghetti and meatballs. Our squad of runners has a tradition of holding spaghetti dinners at a different person's house the night before every meet. Having this tradition makes it easy to eat consistently before a meet and enjoy delicious food.

Why do you participate in sports?

I run because of my love and respect for the sport as well as the awesome team. The Green Mountain cross country team is the most welcoming, close knit group of people that I have ever met. The coaches are understanding, talented, and approachable; some of the best coaches I have ever had. The athletes and coaches are my second family and it is incredible to bond with everyone the team.

What is your favorite type of music and who is your favorite artist/group?

I have many different musicians that I listen to depending upon the day. I like to listen to pop mainly. Lately, I have been listening to Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots, and the Chainsmokers. I will listen to some Taylor Swift as well, on occasion.

What is your favorite subject in school?

My favorite subject in school is math. I enjoy math because it is logical. Math is something that has come naturally to me over the years and I enjoy the feeling when you find the correct answer on a challenging problem.

Do you play video games?

Occasionally when I have free time, I play Lego Star Wars, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, and James Bond Goldeneye Reloaded 007 with my brother. The games are a good way to have lighthearted competition and mindless entertainment.

Do you have any pre-competition superstitions or rituals?

I have many pre-competition superstitions and rituals. One that I have is how I wear my hair in two Dutch braids, done by a teammate, for every meet.

What is your favorite book?

This is probably the hardest question yet, I have read so many books that I love and enjoy, it is almost unfair to choose. One of my more recent favorites that I have read is An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. The story and characters were unique and engaging.

Short Bio on current accomplishments (my coach wanted me to include this):

Recently, I have won league with a time of 19:03 and I won 4A Region 1 with a time of 18:09. Other than that, I have placed in the top six at all the other meets: 4th, 2nd, 6th, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, and 3rd. It has been amazing to run varsity for every meet as a freshman and I couldn't have done it without the support of my teammates and coaches. I was also the only girl from the team at Green Mountain to qualify for State, which is a bummer, as I looked forward to running it with the team.

"Keeping Score With..." is a Q&A with high school athletes in the west metro area. Email sports writer Jim Benton at if you or someone you know would like to participate.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories http://lakewoodsentinel.com,238250?branding=15

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