Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Q&A with Mike Coffman: Republican candidate for 6th Congressional District - #lakewoodnews

About Coffman: The incumbent, an Aurora resident, was first elected to the U.S. House in 2008. The U.S. Army and Marine Corps veteran previously served as Colorado's state treasurer and secretary of state.More information:; www.coffmanforcongress.comWhy should voters choose you for this office?I grew up in this district. I attended public school in this district. I understand, first hand, the challenges and the opportunities afforded us. I have and will stand up to Washington and fight for you -- for a stronger economy, to cut onerous regulations on small business, for lower taxes so families can keep more of what they earn, and I will fight to keep us safe. I understand the need to maintain a strong military but also to cut wasteful Pentagon spending.How can the two major parties better work together to ensure progress in Washington?Our duty is not merely the preservation of political power but the preservation of peace and freedom. Our duty should be to country first. I have record of standing up to the leadership of both parties when it's called for and reaching across the aisle on a range of issues to do what is best for Colorado and the nation. For example, I was the first Republican to co-sponsor and support the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, legislation that prevents discrimination against pregnant women in the workplace.What can be done to improve the nation's health care system?Obamacare isn't working. The bottom line, broken promises, penalties, rules and red tape have made health insurance more expensive and worse for Coloradans. My opponent has advocated for a health care system that would be MORE expensive than Obamacare. She has supported astronomical tax increases to fund a single-payer, Canadian-style system. We absolutely disagree on this point. More government is NOT the answer. We need to start over and implement reforms that are patient-centered and focus on reducing costs and improving quality.What is your position on immigration reform?I believe we must adhere to three principles: we must secure our borders, grow our economy and keep families together. I also believe we need to reform our legal immigration system to be a skills-based system and make the process less cumbersome and more supportive of those who want to come to this country to live the American dream. I support a legal status but not a special path to citizenship for the adults who knowingly violated our immigration laws. I have been and will continue to be an outspoken proponent for reformHow will the result of the presidential race affect your ability to represent your district?I'm a Marine. And for me, our country always comes first. Whoever wins, my duty is to you. So if Donald Trump's the president, I'll stand up to him -- plain and simple. And if Hillary Clinton wins, I'll hold her administration accountable -- every day. My job is simple -- work hard and serve you.

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