Thursday, October 20, 2016

Marti J. Smith - #lakewoodnews

About Szabo: A wife, mother of four, and grandmother to one, appointed incumbent Szabo has worked for her family-owned manufacturing business, and as a financial services specialist. She previously served as the state representative for House District 2.

More information:;; 720-260-4722

Why should voters choose you for this office?

I have the wherewithal it takes to do the job. Jefferson County is a big county to cover and not only do I have the energy to fully represent the entire county, I also have the experience and background in real world issues. Plus I grew up here and I know the heartbeat of this community. Having that pulse on the community helps me govern as commissioner.

Describe an accomplishment that best illustrates your effectiveness as a leader.

I was elected by my peers as the Assistant Leader in the State House when I was in my freshman year. Then, 10months after being appointed to serve on the Board of County Commissioners, I was elected Chair.

How will you help address the county's growing senior population?

The best way to handle any issue is through collaboration and by being a good listener. I don't assume I know more about the issue than the people living it. I will work with the senior community to best understand their issue and then help them tackle it.

What other issue would you want to focus on while in office?

I believe the transportation and economic development are two of the issues we need to focus on. A true balance is the backbone to every county and we need to make sure that we are attracting a vibrant business population while making it easy for all to live and move into Jefferson County.

What else should voters know about you?

I am a native to Colorado and have lived in Jeffco since I was 10 years old. Jeffco is in the fiber of who I am. I have raised my children here and our family business is located here Jeffco is my lifestyle and I take great honor in serving my fellow citizens on the Board of County Commissioners.

from Lakewood Sentinel - Latest Stories,237712

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